Free Sound Bank Siva 1.0

Hi, I don’t know if this is the right place for this post … I want to share with you my first bank of sounds, they are few but they seem very interesting to me, evolving pads, arpeggios, leads, etc … They have been made from scratch. Very tweakables. Sounds have been played through different octaves

In the video description you have the link if you want to download it. Totally free. I will be adding more sounds in the future.

Digitone is the best synthesizer I have ever had, and I am so glad to be in this community …

Enjoy !!!


Big Thanks !

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They sound great and very useable. I’ll be getting those for sure. Thanks a lot.

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Thank you! :+1:

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Hope You like!!! :grinning::grinning::grinning: I just made 5 new sounds and Next week version 1.2 with 20 more ay least!!! I Will include the old bank, the new and the two together.

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Thanks digipete and kedo for download!! All free!! :grinning:


Nice job doing those fine presets, and thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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New pack avaliable!!! This is version 1.1
23 new sounds, very tweakable, pads, leads arpeggios and a Blade Runner bass (Or brass) :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The file in the description of the video includes only the 23 new sounds and a pack with all 43 sounds!!!