Friend offered to make me some cheeks

Had to supply him with a template so I made this

He’s not much of a carpenter, and I’m not much of a designer but I hope it turns out ok. I know there are some awesome forum user made cheeks and stands, but I figured I would try free first.


Cool… thanks for the schematics dude!!!

If I can get some free time, I might have a go at this:)

Nice one nedavine! Will try to make some myself! :slight_smile:

Thanks. Lets see what its like built first though. I think the design should be fine, but might be different in practice. I’ll post the results.

Have you left enough space so that if you have the OT at the bottom you can still plug jacks into it. Obviously the OT jacks are vertical where you plug them in, all other machines have horizontal inputs. The bottom of my machinedrum always prevented me from being able to plug the top jack into the OT

Just wanted to mention it as I have had this trouble with double end cheeks like this in the past.

Yeah I think I left enough space at least I planned to. there should be a few centermeters and then the bottom of the machinedrum should come flush with the height of and angle of the OT.

Again, its not been built though so its hard to know for sure.

Yeah cool mate. Its just the cheeks I bought were designed when just the MD and Mono were about. The OT came along and the design was then a tad flawed.

Good luck with them. I am sure many well be interested to see how these pan out.

Dont forget your A4 cooling vents…

My friend and I made these End Cheeks in his garage. I spent about $5 on 3mm acrylic sheet plastic and about 30 cents on mounting hardware (size 3 6mm phillips screws and plastic washers).

We basically just drew (on a big piece of paper) the exact dimensions of the Elektrons, and mark EXACTLY where the screw holes need to be. We ripped on test cheeck with a jig saw (use a sharp blade and go slow, and use a guide to help you cut straight). Once we tested the cheek to see if it fit correctly (and it did) we just traced that piece, using it like a template, onto the other sheets of plastic. It was quite easy once we were sure of our measurements.

I then sanded the edges by hand using a Wet/Dry sand paper backed with a block of wood to keep it very flat (you don’t want to have wobbly edges). This was the bulk of the work as it took several hours of sanding to get to be perfect, but you can do it with a power sander if you have one, or just leave the edges raw, or tape them.

A couple things I did was to elevate the machines off of the table surface so I can run cables under them when i need, and so the machine doesn’t get scraped across the table surface. Also make sure that the edges of your plastic cheeks don’t protrude above the face of the machine. You don’t want that sharp plastic edge digging into your hands when you’re getting busy twisting knobs.

Hope that helps encourage some of you guys to try to make some of your own!

Saw this on Ebay…

And this as well…

Looks cool
I also really like the font. What is it called?

Do not forget to make it so your still available to use the Protective Cover PL-1, this is why most of the cheeks made until now is total failure! :wink:

Found these designs on the old forum posted by Watson:

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Way fancier than mine. My friend actually made them but I havent bought any screws just yet so still not tested out.

Ended up getting rid of my machinedrum so now they are kind of redundant lol. At least until I can afford an MNM or A4

anyone know - are theese cheeks compatible with the AR?