FromSoftware Games Thread

Elden ring is very good.

I feel pompous saying this, but anyway: I’m ahem a “Souls Vet” in that I actually bought Demon’s Souls the day it came out back in 2009 when i was only 15 years old. I almost imported it from Korea because they had English sub option I believe, but then Atlus announced a US publishing and I just decided to wait it out. Since then I’ve beaten every Souls game, some of them multiple times (recently replayed Sekiro. first replay since it came out. i liked it even more the second time). Along with Zelda, Metroid and Monster Hunter, it’s probably my favorite video game series.

Anyway. Elden Ring is exactly what I expected: Open world Dark Souls. Nothing more or less. I’m continually surprised by the amount of stuff there is, and just the general curiosity of “What’s that thing?” and then you go and check it out and get rewarded fairly handsomely–whether that be a new weapon, a scroll for learning new spells, an ash of war, an upgrade for your flasks, etc. I’m about 15 hours in maybe, still haven’t beaten the first “real” area (stormveil castle. i’m probably like halfway through it, and keep running off to do other things) and I went back and explored the starting area of Limgrave some more only to find a whole bunch of entirely new locations I literally could have gone to right out of the gate but just didn’t, like the peninsula. Or the lake area with the dragon that i was actually able to fight now. I literally just…went everywhere but the lake for some reason lol. Instead, I ended up going to some hellish area called Caelic I was definitely not ready for, as evidenced by enemies one-shotting me and me not doing any damage. Still, I decided to persist and just run through on horseback, grabbing sites of lost grace and map fragments and assorted items like golden runes. That feeling of “uhm, i really shouldn’t be here, but I still want to look around” is really cool.

I hear some reviewers/commentators saying that the openness of the game is overwhelming, but I think it’s very well done. You have to meet this game on its own terms and follow its hints. The first NPC you meet very clearly tells you your goal, and it’s up to you what you do. So I headed in the direction of the castle and along the way allowed myself to get very distracted. After maybe five or six hours I decided to actually see what was up with the castle, couldn’t beat the boss and then left and explored some more until I got stronger and came back to beat him more easily.

The game is only “easier” than other souls games in that if you’re stuck on a boss, there are one thousand other things you can do instead and so there’s no reason to bang your head against a wall. You also have a ton of options at your disposal with bosses, like the spirit summons and variety in your builds. Truth be told, openness has actually always been a core design philosophy of the Souls games, people just never seemed to notice. Demon’s Souls should be obvious (all four areas available right at the start), but even in Dark Souls, there were often times two or three paths you could go down, and if you’re stuck on one just go back to the other. Halfway through that game you literally have four separate areas to go to at will. The games have always been fairly open with their designs, only being linear when you get into an actual “dungeon” of sorts, and even then a lot of times it’s very metroidvania-esque where you open up a shortcut back to the beginning. Given the open nature, it makes sense that them finally doing an open world game would work out really well.

I would have a lot more play time but I had to work yesterday and today. When I get home I hope to play for hours and hours…Maybe actually beat Stormveil castle and make my first bit of “real” progress.


the long treks for rematches stopped being a thing after the first dark souls. and yeah, sometimes it was a gigantic pain in the ass–mostly with ornstein and smough, the boss of anor londo. but those issues were largely fixed by the second game, happening only occasionally. in this game, that problem is most certainly non-existent.

the combat is not unfair. it’s as fair as you can get. if you get hit, it’s you’re fault and you’re a dummy and you die. and i say that as someone who dies a lot :slight_smile:


Here is how every Souls vet plays these games:

First time through an area, go through very slowly and deliberately, trying not to die and making sure you’re checking every single nook and cranny for items.

Then, when you inevitably die, just run past every single enemy because they’re not worth your time and frankly you don’t really need the souls/level anyway.

So yeah. That’s how elden ring is too lol. Except the entire open world is just “run past all these enemies idk.” You can literally go to mid-game areas where there are soul items (golden runes) lying around that give you way more souls than you get fighting any enemies in the beginning. You can just run in, grab those, leave and level up :man_shrugging:


One of my favourite DS memories is the first time I made the run into Blighttown at the start of the game to grab the crimson robe set. I had no chance of making it out alive, but just getting there was adventure enough.

Just beat the boss in the first cave you find in Elden Ring - only three attempts in total, so I’m happy with that (though there were a few levels between attempts 1 and 2). I don’t think I’m ready for the first story boss yet, he’s minced me several times already. I almost had a crack at a big crab earlier too, but things got, um, complicated.

It’s still early days, but one thing I know I’ll never get tired of in this game is hitting the map button a second time in a failed attempt to close the map. Every single time.


Haha :slight_smile: that’s exactly how I play it now, still being whatever you are when you’re not even a noob.

I’m in some kind of sewer system now, and after them skeletons had handed my ass to me about five or six times, and I was getting a bit frustrated about doing the treck again, I realised - I don’t have to. I’m pretty fast. They’re not. And the AI’s not particularly clever. A few corners and stairs and I’ve lost them. They clearly try to follow me but then they run around in circles and bang into each other and off I go.

I mean, whenever I get to the point I really wanted to reach, it gets tough enough, so I don’t feel like I’m cheating the game. I’m just rushing ahead to the part I wanna beat. But it does take away part of the atmosphere, making these scary one hit kill-beasts look kinda silly when they struggle to find their way up a set of stairs that’s literally right in front of them.

I know, you all hate me now. Just tell me and I’ll shut up.

Dude your character can move lightning fast. It matters how light your load is. Endurance. Dex level. Etc.

Anyway i cleared the second boss and this game really opens up after the first one. Its simply insane. Im not going to post spoilers, but wow this game is massive.


I’m on Dark Souls, mate, not Elden Ring :slight_smile: though I kind of wish I was. Seems more like my kind of thing.

Its the same system. You can do the same setups. Ive beaten all 3 souls games.

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Ended up there after some aimless wandering myself today! After 10 minutes I decided to Google what the recommended level was - 60+ :joy: I’m only at 15 or something having started at 1.

So instead I spent today finding a staff so I can do some spells. Such fun just exploring.

That happened to me too. Still nice to pop in and farm stuff now that i can escape it.

Did you get the meteorite staff in the swamp of that area? It has S scaling with int. Look it up. Super easy to get.

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I got a staff of some weird Forrest monster lady thing who had a squad of monkey like guys constantly screaming at me.

Like the sound of the meteorite staff though. Might head back there to take a look for it next time I’m playing

I’m still using my starting weapon, except it now is a +4 Magic halberd…
Cleared the first castle (and that was tough) and heading to the 2nd area, I think, but I keep getting distracted. And it’s fantastic!!!


Man you guys are good. These falcons are giving me a rough time.

Am I supposed to take on everyone in this castle? Cause I’m getting my ass whooped by some these knights…

Oh ok. Just checked Reddit. I’m not the only one.

Fuck them birds.

If a particular enemy is giving you a rough time just run away.

You can skip those feathery bastards by running and jumping on the the rooftop in front of you as you come out of the save point room.

As for killing everyone, bring a bow and lure them to come to you one by one.

Cheese is the word.

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This. Don’t bother fighting the enemies to get to the bosses. Save your Estus flasks for the boss battles.

I always aim to take every single enemy out on my first run through an area. I use a bow to snipe from a great distance, drawing them to me one at a time. Once I get to the boss and inevitably die, I retrace my steps to the boss, only this time I run like a maniac passed every enemy, entering the fog gate and picking up my souls before having another go.

This works in every single SoulsBborne game, including Sekiro,.so I don’t doubt it will also work in Elden Ring.


Not so much the falcons but the falcons plus knight on the rampart. The knights I’m convinced are there to run away from. They’re harder than Margit fr. And this graft spider pos in the main hall.

Are you and @Automageddon taking these things on?

The knight I killed, but then he respawned and I stopped caring. I haven’t fought that creepy spider thing.

Actually I got bored of the castle and just went on a journey cleaning up more of the map. I’ll probably keep doing that for a few hours and come back.

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The birds where ok, but the dude in the dark room is killing me. And it’s annoying to go all the way back. Even if it’s pretty easy to kill the enemies on the way.

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