FromSoftware Games Thread

Ah, interesting - I’ve got as far as the broken bridge, and I can see a windmill from there, so I’ll head in that direction later, thanks.

Went back and finally took on Royal Knight Loretta last night, wasn’t so bad. I took the jellyfish with me assuming some poison might help, but I think his main function was as a distraction (not that I’m complaining).

I had a much harder time with the double Crystallian bosses in the swamp area - I set the Kaiden Merc on those and they still managed to get me down to zero flasks. I had no real trouble with the two solo Cystallians I’ve met, so it’s a good example of how one extra enemy can throw a real spanner in the works. A couple of times I’ve been fighting something like a giant or knight and an annoyed boar or ram has decided to join in, and all it takes is one shunt at the wrong time to ruin your day.

This has made me think about how reliant I am on using the bow to kite individuals away from groups, but then I remember the first few hours as a samurai when arrows were a precious commodity, and I guess by the time kiting becomes necessary any character will have some kind of method available.

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I started to play to Elden Ring this weekend. This is my very first step into the world of Fromsoftware. At this stage (8 hours of play), all I can say is that it’s tough but it’s exciting and captivating :smiley:


Steady progress - beat the Red Wolf in the academy and I think I’ve now expored it all as far as the huge rolling ball (always a pleasure). I decided to put down my first summon sign as a helper for the wolf - died just as the Wolf did, so it counted as a victory, so I decided to just go for it and plough straight back in on my own rather than go away and cap off my runes as usual. Well, I say “on my own” but the Kaiden Mercenary may have made a guest appearance. At any rate, success there.

After that I explored the Plateau some more, found the Windmill VIllage @J3RK mentioned (unnerving, haven’t taken on the boss yet) and managed to cheese a giant exploding newt off a cliff edge. Seems you can just do a mad horseback dash around much of the plateau gathering seeds and lighting fires, which I suspect is true of all the earlier areas - but easier if you’re confident you can survive if you’re knocked off.

As usual I gathered a whole bunch of new gear that’s of no real use to a dex build, which is a lonely life. I suppose the real dex experts are running around naked and dual wielding daggers, but it’d be great to find just one weapon that requires 40 dex.

Oh, and I went back and took out the scion from the tutorial, that was nice.

I think my next jobs are to finish off the academy and take part in the Caelid festival, which I’ve now got Blaidd ready for. I assume I’m not really supposed to be poking around too close to the Erdtree at this point. It’s a bit nerve-wracking, even if nothing particularly terrible has happened so far…

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I “completed” the game without even seeing the windmill village :joy: also annoyingly completed it without getting a flask item needed to beat Mohg properly. So journey 2 sorted the latter and I’ll taste a wee “holiday” jaunt to the Windmill Village for this play through…

Up to level 210 now so think I can handle anything the game gets cheeky enough to throw my way… :joy:

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I made the mistake of talking to the 3 Fingers, so I was bound for a bad ending. I had to complete Millicent quest to get things right, this included finding a super secret Two-Headed Dragon in a hidden late game arena, as well as fighting an Uncerated Tree Spirit in a pool of rot. This game really…

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How did you accidentally do it :joy: you basically have to strip naked to get through that bit!

I did it after I had finished the final boss out of curiosity. Was half worried the bastard game would carry the scars over to journey 2

I didn’t know what the outcome was going to be!



Nothing good from having to strip off thats for sure!

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I’m gonna leave this here then I’ll go and murder an NPC.


That’s fantastic. I never kill NPCs in a Souls game until I know for sure. For example D’s brother is the only guy I killed and that was at the very end of his quest. I mean he called my hug- lady a w–re. So I went a little Will Smith on him.

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Well, that’s uncalled for, but she isn’t that nice…

After all those FS games I learned my lesson and attacked Patches the Hyena on sight.

I slaughtered Gostoc as soon as I learned what he was up to, and I regret nothing as it also gives you access to 1&2 smithing stones at the Roundtable shop. I did read that the last update added something to his questline, so maybe next time round I’ll leave him be. It won’t be easy, though.

Fool me once…

I actually wish I had held off on killing him. Dude was like an accidental savings account for runes from sucking at the game

Oh, do you get them back when you kill him? I didn’t even notice that. I suppose that’s quite a valuable service, potentially. But at the same time, he desperately needs straightening out. Well, I’ll cross this bridge the next time I come to it.

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Oh yeah. I’m so nervous at being bad at this game that I look for hints and spoilers online :grinning:

Got like 17k after I k-…“straightened him out”

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Damn, 17k is nothing. I’m keeping that guy alive and seeing what happens.

I think after you beat Godrick, you lose your chance for retrieving your runes(but, again, you can still get that rare item)

Also, he only collects while you’re in the castle.

Still tho, 17k was enough to level me up 2 times

It was about the same amount for me too and at the time was a good chunk of runes. Now at level 120 it wouldn’t seem so appealing.

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I’ve reached the descent into the limbo where the runes required are achievable but either through moderate risk or grinding.

I’m nervous