Future OS Updates: Two Cents

I dunno I think there’s a reason access is the only one doing software integration and everyone else has let theirs die. How much better could they do vs custom set ups in logic’s environment or max 4 live?

I guess I’d rather see a really good MIDI controller/sequencer that worked with tube tvs, iOS and computers if they were going to go that route.

I agree that some kind of bank/part/scene management would be great. Would it be impossible to see every part at once and the bank it’s linked to then choose to copy the part with or without trigs and/or scenes? Switching banks, patterns and parts is instant for me, which is pretty incredible when you think about how varied they can be, so I don’t see why you couldn’t copy and paste. This might also be a good place to save and name them. When you’re on a roll you aren’t really thinking of part names.

My current wish list:

MIDI machines for the other elektron boxes. Or custom ones that you can name. Who can keep track when you switch parts? Clearing the 1st page on a MIDI machine without clearing the MIDI channel assignment. (Setting all those offsets back to zero…I don’t think they snap while holding function). Pitch bend should snap to 64.

Slice machines. Nothing new in terms of features. it just automatically selects slice playback mode when it’s the active track and lets you define the number of slices prerecording. Being able to switch from pickup to flex and keep your sample is one of the coolest features. I’d like more machines to take advantage of that. I mean, you can have flex machines setup in different ways in each part, but again it’s impossible to keep track of over a buch of banks and patterns.

Is there a way to “play” trig locks either chromatic or slices in non real time? Using the knob can be fiddly, especially for slices…What if the arrow buttons “knew” what mode you were in and could be used to select slices or pitch.

Option to change part reload to function + cue + cue. I don’t mind having to get frantic with the function button to get at the various menus, it’s really pretty fun and invigorating, but inevitably I hit function and cue at some point when I don’t want to. I’ve never accidentally reload the machinedrum. It’s a huge discouragement from saving and thus using parts to their fullest. This is the only time I lose samples.

On the flip side, I’d like more auto-save options with parts. My OT is out for repair so I can’t see what combos are used, but something to save the part when switching patterns and banks. My vote is function + cue, it gets sticky hit cue again to reload, switch and it saves. I dunno I think saving is clunky and feels too computer esque as it doesn’t relate to performing for me. It’s like banging on CMD+S every minute because you have unstable plugins.

Mini sections in the arrange you can jump to with the trig buttons. Dropping in and out of arrange mode is awesome. If it was a bit easier to work with specific loops of sections within it, it’d be more awesome.

Octatrack is the best instrument I’ve ever used because (for the most part ) it can keep up my musical ideas in real time. I spend less time setting things up, not more.

all great ideas, but honestly, the only feature I really need to be perfectly happy with the OT at this point is the ability to duplicate a pattern on the fly before switching to it. still the most baffling omission on the world’s only dynamic performance sampler, imo.

so when do we get an official elektronauts 100+ page feature request thread? :imp:

For the MD as well.

This + Jonah’s mini arrangement idea would both be incredibly useful imo (along with an 8 stereo channel audio breakout box that you could connect via usb ;))

I want numbers of slices that are not multiples of 16 so that I could slice things that are not in 4/4 time.

I don’t need or particularly want realtime computer integration, but I would like to be able to open OT project sin the computer and examine/efit the project data. It would be nice if Elektron just specified the file format.

I’m loving all these ideas - not just the ones for improving the workflow with slices.

You can add one at a time. Or select the closest multiple of 16 and add or delete slices as needed.

You can sort of emulate this already using an LFO in HOLD mode targeting track volume.[/quote]
True to a degree, but its not the same as a complete on/off switch.

To get that functionality with LFO’s you need to use two… one as square wave to volume, & one controlling square wave speed with random lfo. If only we had 4-5 lfo’s per track I would do this more often.

Also you can also go in manually and trigger hidden one-shots in patterns, but I find it fiddly to do on the fly.

At least there are workarounds of some sort or another.

Another cool idea would be to offer % Chance to randomely nudge micro-timing of trigs, somewhat like the Roland R8, but that would require read ahead abilities in the sequencer maybe.[/quote]
Strictly speaking that’s true. One way of faking it is to make a sort of random max/min (or 0/1) LFO where there are no interpolations between steps, this way the value is either one or the other. The number of up/max (or down/min) steps determines the probability. So you get a probability resolution of out of 16 (like 1/16, 2/16, etc).

That’s not truly random but if you make a janky enough LFO and set it to a weird rate, you can fake the randomness pretty well.

Ha ha yeah that’s a fair point. I never thought about it before but what I do is copy the pattern and freak it the hell out so you need a breather when switching anyway.

I wouldn’t be mad if nothing changed. I’m thinking about it now because I miss it. :sob:

But I do think elektron users tend to push their machines more, which can lead to a nice feedback cycle of interesting feature ideas…maybe? I mean, I don’t think roland ever thought people’d be jamming on xox sequencers.
I’d dig tighter integration between MIDI and audio tracks. I think it’s pretty common that we use the MIDI side to sequence stuff that we’re going to sample?

What about a MIDI machine that can be assigned to a flex machine, has a one shot arm switch and each MIDI track trig is automatically used as a slice point when it’s recorded.

Also, i’d gladly give up some MIDI tracks in favor of more LFOs (and arps?) for the audio tracks or other MIDI tracks. I know you can do MIDI out to in, but when using other equipment I get crazy MIDI feedback, which sounds cool for about 30 seconds and then everything crashes! :dizzy_face:

Does anyone else use many or all of the MIDI tracks assigned to the same MIDI channel with different (or sometimes the same) notes? Maybe it’s obvious, but I kinda stumbled on it, and it’s awesome, especially for percussion muting, resizing and shuffling on the fly.

Of the few sequencers that let you do this I don’t think any has as good an interface as the octatrack for quickly switching and resizing tracks in real time. Really, with your plocks, offsets, arp and LFOs you can think of each track as a mini pattern. No idea how to improve that! :astonished:

You can add one at a time. Or select the closest multiple of 16 and add or delete slices as needed.[/quote]
You can, but it’s fiddly and time consuming. If you have a 5/4 sample and use 16 slices you have to first adjust the 16 slices, then add 4 more, which is a pain. I think it would be easier if I could just add 20 slices and be done with it.

You can add one at a time. Or select the closest multiple of 16 and add or delete slices as needed.[/quote]
You can, but it’s fiddly and time consuming. If you have a 5/4 sample and use 16 slices you have to first adjust the 16 slices, then add 4 more, which is a pain. I think it would be easier if I could just add 20 slices and be done with it. [/quote]
That would be a nice addition.

The things I most want to see on the OT:

  • The possibility to change pattern without having to wait for the end of current pattern: it’s very important during live acts to be able to change from one pattern to another quickly. you could so have some normal rhythm patterns and some dedicated to fills & breaks. It was possible with my old RS7K, and I miss this on the OT.

  • Cut off/resonance/env-depth filters

The OT has both of those. Unless, I misunderstand what you want in the filters.
Shortest setting is change in 2 steps longest is end of pattern.

Yes, you told me how to jump in the other thread. But where are the filters cutoff/reso ?
I used them with my RS7K : super filters to change the texture of sound. But these filters may be more powerful with FM synthesis than with samples. Anyway: I used them very much to transform slowly pads or basses. It depends on the type of music you play: mine is strange, like krautrock vs IDM/dark-step :wink: That’s why I need those filters

Yes, you told me how to jump in the other thread. But where are the filters cutoff/reso ?
I used them with my RS7K : super filters to change the texture of sound. But these filters may be more powerful with FM synthesis than with samples. Anyway: I used them very much to transform slowly pads or basses. It depends on the type of music you play: mine is strange, like krautrock vs IDM/dark-step :wink: That’s why I need those filters[/quote]
Look in the FX, there is a resonant filter in there. I use it more than any other effect, it sounds very nice. I plugged the OT into a friend’s very large and very very expensive modular synth the other day and the first thing he said was ‘wow, that’s a really nice filter.’

Yes, you’re right, thanx! Nice filter, indeed. In combination with the delay, it makes very nice dubby ambiences :wink:

8 outputs for mix down separately would be nice

Obviously you can’t add hardware in an OS update. Do you mean the ability to stream 8 channels to the CF card?

the possibility to use the headphone output like the cue output would be brilliant!