Future OS Updates: Two Cents

You know what I would like? I often us my keyboard to input notes on the sequencer and often chords, I do it by holding the trig and then pressing the keys, then releasing the trig. However If I play a chord with a bass note that requires two hands I end up having to use my elbow, big toe, sausage…

Having the ability to be in keyboard mode or something were I didnt need to keep the trig held down would be sweet.

A sticky key function in general would be great. Hold a trig for P-locks and chords; as well as, SCENES.

Obviously you can’t add hardware in an OS update. Do you mean the ability to stream 8 channels to the CF card?[/quote]

oups indeed, thought mk2 :zonked:

meanwhile I dont anderstand what you mean by "the ability to stream 8 channels to the CF card "


I saw a youtube vid once, of a dude tape-ing down his sceneB button. .so he could extra quickly toggle scenes for glitchy type stuff.
if memory serves me correctly… a few video’s later… he used a small weight instead.

so :slight_smile:
put a tiny weight on your trig-button… like a scale-weight… tiny just heavy enough to keep it pressed… and voila :slight_smile: you can p-lock and input notes and all that blabla
without loosing a hand.

doesnt even need a firmware upgrade, or learning a new button-combi :slight_smile:
its a good thing i played streetfighter as a kid…


I saw a youtube vid once, of a dude tape-ing down his sceneB button. .so he could extra quickly toggle scenes for glitchy type stuff.
if memory serves me correctly… a few video’s later… he used a small weight instead.

so :slight_smile:
put a tiny weight on your trig-button… like a scale-weight… tiny just heavy enough to keep it pressed… and voila :slight_smile: you can p-lock and input notes and all that blabla
without loosing a hand.

doesnt even need a firmware upgrade, or learning a new button-combi :slight_smile:
its a good thing i played streetfighter as a kid… [/quote]

I often us my keyboard to input notes on the sequencer and often chords, I do it by holding the trig and then pressing the keys, then releasing the trig

You can do that?! Damn… I’ve been manually setting notes using encoders and copy paste for two years and now this.

Haha yeah it even records your velocity. I do it all teh time for my pad chords.

nedavine: on the midi side of things only, or does it work for the audio tracks, too?

works with samples two but be careful as the lower half of the keyboard does different things like trigger the transport or mute tracks.

works with samples two but be careful as the lower half of the keyboard does different things like trigger the transport or mute tracks.[/quote]
Nice. Thank you!


I don’t know if this feature has already been asked for : midi overdub. Because now if you program a midi pattern, and then you add notes if there is a note on a trig it will replace it, this is very annoying. I like to jam and record drum patterns or synth lines & chords with an external keyboard. For example i could program a kick line, record again and add a hi hat, then a clap, then a snare without sacrificing 4 midi octatrack channels just for the drum machine.

^^^!!! bumping exactly this
it’s such a unnecessary limitation and hardly considered to be a feature…
I will just talk myself into thinking we’ll be seeing an update before the overbridge bugreports will devour everyones soul

…doesn’t work with externally triggered slices either :alien:

Well talking about MIDI now… I never participated in any “Feature request” or similar on the forum, but rather writing directly to Elektron support, but why not?!

Yesterday I had an amazing idea for a Feature on the OT. I thought that it would be absolutely amazing to be able to import MIDI files in to the MIDI tracks, the same way that you can load audio files in the Audio tracks.

Be able to “slice” them aswel will provide an universe of new apporaches for Live playing, arranging, scales, groove templates… Can´t stop thinking of how many things could be achieved.

Hey Multiman, you’re right. I would love such a possibility, like on MPC. It’s a dream.

Yeah, I used to do it in the MC-909, I use to compose the entire tracks in Cubase with just MIDI and all the gear connected… then Save a MIDI file, export it to the machine and voila, your complete song will play 100% the same but without Computer.

I´m making a template in a MIDI controller to use the OT like ableton live Clip View… sort of… but it works with Slices, so just the audio tracks allow the trick… MIDI tracks must be sliced too!! :slight_smile:

This will answer many requested features before, like MIDI scales and others, leaving us with more options to discover…

Let´s hope so!!

Asked this years ago, prior to OS1. Got told to go buy a midi sequencer…

You forget that, along the way to making the piano - as we know it today - there were sh*t designs, design flaws, upgrades, evolutions, all driven by customer demand.

The customer demand, and the passion of the craftsmen, are why we have a “piano” today. It didn’t just magic itself out of nowhere!
Real world, buddy.

Asked this years ago, prior to OS1. Got told to go buy a midi sequencer…[/quote]
Could you play midi from a DAW and record on the OT?

You can play midi from a Daw and record it on the octatrack. But this is pretty limited …

Say you want to record midi for a drum machine to sequence it, The 4 notes polyphony share the same velocity for each step. Or maybe i missed something ?

Is it possible to record to many midi tracks at once ? I wasn’t able to do that :frowning:

You can sort of emulate this already using an LFO in HOLD mode targeting track volume.[/quote]
True to a degree, but its not the same as a complete on/off switch.

To get that functionality with LFO’s you need to use two… one as square wave to volume, & one controlling square wave speed with random lfo. If only we had 4-5 lfo’s per track I would do this more often.

Also you can also go in manually and trigger hidden one-shots in patterns, but I find it fiddly to do on the fly.

At least there are workarounds of some sort or another.

Another cool idea would be to offer % Chance to randomely nudge micro-timing of trigs, somewhat like the Roland R8, but that would require read ahead abilities in the sequencer maybe.

nah, there is an easy, efficient way to do this :

create a chain with one hit, and 15 “blank hits”

assign a random LFO to hold and modulate start parameter (in slice mode, you are modulating slice number)

done :slight_smile:

…now for more deep explorations, you can replace the blank hits with actual sounds. or maybe the same sound with different velocities. Every time you think of something you’d like the OT to do, there’s a good chance that sample chains will achieve exactly what you want. You just need to think outside the box.
Cheers !