Future OS Updates: Two Cents

Rather than a software update, elektron please just release data pages showing the encoding format & checksums of the various files on the CF card generated by the OT.

This would allow a huge amount of innovation from users.

Perhaps there is even sysex that would allow trigs to be set via midi, or samples to be loaded directly to flex slots by SDS a la RTYM?

The ability to organise and prep files on a computer would be a huge leap for the OT useability.

For example Rusty’s project files manager, or an SMF to midi-track pattern trigs PC converter utility, or a computer-based sample hitpoint slicer (to pre-prepare loops as ready sliced to then transfer in bulk to the card).

You can sort of emulate this already using an LFO in HOLD mode targeting track volume.[/quote]
True to a degree, but its not the same as a complete on/off switch.

To get that functionality with LFO’s you need to use two… one as square wave to volume, & one controlling square wave speed with random lfo. If only we had 4-5 lfo’s per track I would do this more often.

Also you can also go in manually and trigger hidden one-shots in patterns, but I find it fiddly to do on the fly.

At least there are workarounds of some sort or another.

Another cool idea would be to offer % Chance to randomely nudge micro-timing of trigs, somewhat like the Roland R8, but that would require read ahead abilities in the sequencer maybe.

nah, there is an easy, efficient way to do this :

create a chain with one hit, and 15 “blank hits”

assign a random LFO to hold and modulate start parameter (in slice mode, you are modulating slice number)

done :slight_smile:

…now for more deep explorations, you can replace the blank hits with actual sounds. or maybe the same sound with different velocities. Every time you think of something you’d like the OT to do, there’s a good chance that sample chains will achieve exactly what you want. You just need to think outside the box.
Cheers ![/quote]
Blank slices? Nice. Definitely outside the box. Cheers back.

+1 for % chance of hit. This should be a feature of every elektron machine imo…

i just want there to be a future update (s) :slight_smile:

you mean a

Re ‘Blank Slices’ and ‘% chance’ trigs.

In sample editor, make 2 slices. 1 is the entire sample and the 2nd is a tiny, as small as possible slice containing silence. If you assign a random LFO to the STRT slice parameter, the %chance of a hit is the LFO depth. Set it to 32 and the first slice will trig an average of 1 in 32 times. You can p-lock the depth on the trig!

Back to OP, I would like a new Sequencer Machine that allows you to put down trigs to control Direction, BPM, Mutes, Jumps, Pauses etc etc.

Also, simply, Sample Loop and End points as parameters that can be plocked. And a Fine parameter for these and the Start point. 128 values is not enough. A Fine control with 128 steps between each of the 128 values would probably suffice.

There is still a lot of work to be done!

As far as i understood the support people, fixing the annoying “cc-late bug” will require too much effort, so it may never be fixed :sob: . Yet I do not understand why they don’t just swap the order of CCs and Note-Ons…

With OS1.22 the octatrack started to record velocity and note-length when using an external keyboard. While this is a nice feature in realtime-record-mode there is still no tracable reason why the octatrack records note-length (and velocity) in grid mode. For me this is so annoying that i am sticked to the old OS1.21B :sob:

I said goodbye to the idea of using the octatrack as a live-looper but maybe one day elektron will fix the pickup machine so that the live-looper also works in midi-slave mode. This would open the machine to a complete new way of using it.

Now this was enough wet-dreaming.
Let’s hope that the developers didn’t completely abandon the octatrack.

Don’t know if I’ve mentioned this yet but “retrig” in the MIDI dept would be ace! Up to 64ths or something as I know the OT’s MIDI is weak and will probably cause a fire if pushed too hard.

Don’t forget about PINGPONG loop mode bug also

It would be great to see a member of elektron support join this thread, collate the list of bugs and feature requests and then run a definitive poll to assess user interest.

It would be very healthy for expectations management that elektron draws a line in the sand to say what they might and might not fix/add. Very useful for current and prospective OT owners. elektron doesn’t need to commit to anything if they prefer not to, but at least bring clarity to what people are looking for and acknowledge it.

Certain requests seem to be very reasonable and of interest to the majority of users.


THIS, OMG. Seriously just reorder these two, how hard could it be? This would make it so much easier possible to use the OT the way I want with, for example, the Nord Micro Modular or Volca Beats where you really have to initialize it with CCs.

There is also weirdness when trying to use CCs from several tracks pointed at the same MIDI channel. I need to document this a little better though.

I think you can already do 64th retriggers (up to 128ths actually) with microtiming. Just press right-arrow when you’re in the microtiming menu. You can also use the arpeggiator. With the speed set to 1, you get 96ths. I don’t think you can get 64ths (maybe with fast LFO modulation of speed) but speed of 3 would give you 32nds.

I think you can already do 64th retriggers (up to 128ths actually) with microtiming. Just press right-arrow when you’re in the microtiming menu. You can also use the arpeggiator. With the speed set to 1, you get 96ths. I don’t think you can get 64ths (maybe with fast LFO modulation of speed) but speed of 3 would give you 32nds.[/quote]
Wouldn’t MICROTIMING just shift the one TRIG and not roll a 32nd?
Can I P-LOCK ARP on/off and settings? I didn’t realize this was an option. That would be a relatively easy work around.

I think you can already do 64th retriggers (up to 128ths actually) with microtiming. Just press right-arrow when you’re in the microtiming menu. You can also use the arpeggiator. With the speed set to 1, you get 96ths. I don’t think you can get 64ths (maybe with fast LFO modulation of speed) but speed of 3 would give you 32nds.[/quote]
Wouldn’t MICROTIMING just shift the one TRIG and not roll a 32nd?
Can I P-LOCK ARP on/off and settings? I didn’t realize this was an option. That would be a relatively easy work around.
Microtiming has a Trig Count option - often missed! And yes, you can p-lock arp settings. Have fun! :slight_smile:

I think you can already do 64th retriggers (up to 128ths actually) with microtiming. Just press right-arrow when you’re in the microtiming menu. You can also use the arpeggiator. With the speed set to 1, you get 96ths. I don’t think you can get 64ths (maybe with fast LFO modulation of speed) but speed of 3 would give you 32nds.[/quote]
Wouldn’t MICROTIMING just shift the one TRIG and not roll a 32nd?
Can I P-LOCK ARP on/off and settings? I didn’t realize this was an option. That would be a relatively easy work around.
Microtiming has a Trig Count option - often missed! And yes, you can p-lock arp settings. Have fun! :slight_smile: [/quote]
WHY IS THIS NOT IN THE A4?!?!? I’ll have to wait to try it at the studio. Brought the A4 and RTYM home to update them. No computers at the studio.