FX and Track 1 Neighbor Tracks?

Quick question, what is the neighbor tracks for Track 1, is it track 12 or midi track 12? Also, what is the neighbor track for the FX track?

Good question. My guess is no track, no NEI behavior.

Good question too. My guess would be none, or track 12.

I can’t test at the moment, I encourage anyone to do so.

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I tested it on mine, and yes, FX follows track 12 for NEI conditions; it doesn’t appear to follow track 10, say, with empty tracks in between (always wondered whether NEI skips empty tracks). It returns the most recent evaluation for track 12 even after all trigs have been erased.

Track 1 seems to … follow itself?
I put in, in quarter notes, N N /N N, and on repeating bars it plays (X) O O X X | X X O O : |

End result … amp ducking against random cowbells is possible?


Always goes by track number.

Interesting. For some reason I thought neighbours would wrap around to the beginning…Track 1 neighbour of the last track, but guess I was wrong.

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Yeah I tried to find the answer in the manual. Didn’t seem to see the answer there! Thanks for replying! I have not had the time yet to test but will do so in a few days!