FX on DN & DT via Overbridge in Ableton

Hi Everybody,

Started to set up OB, almost there I guess. I already read about the fact that recording FX in OB are different.

On DN and Digitakt I do not have all FX on individual tracks, nor via the plugin (on the midi channel). Both these machines have no FX-track where it records FX only. On the A4 the FX come in via the midi channel where the OB plugin is located. That’s what makes me confused, why not the same with DT and DN? Overdrive works on DN&DT, Pan/Delay/Reverb does not. I do see all FX parameters per track (DT & DN) changing in the plugin.

What would be the way the get these FX on DT and DN in Ableton? With DT & DN I never heard Pan/Delay/Reverb. I audio routed every device per track, no machine is going to main.


  • OB warns I’m buffering 512 samples, 256 or lower is recommended. Is it relevant to change? Best settings?
  • The FX from the A4 are played from out the plugin in the midi channel, so it’s there, but nog displayed after recording. Would it be best to audiorecord this channel when recording all? Or are there things to keep in mind?

Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

Those effects are global sends, at least on DN. DN has two overdrives, one on master and one per-voice which is pre-filter. So I suspect the pre-filter OD is the one you’re seeing. Due to the routing, you couldn’t get the global effects on per-track channels, since you’d also get whatever else was sending to those effects.

As for pan… I don’t use OB, but I’m guessing these are mono channels. You could just pan in the DAW. No point in tying up more bandwidth with panning.

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Thank you for your response! :slight_smile:

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