FX pedal with a more intimate sound

Uhm, might not be any kind of exciting new suggestion, but what about bitcrushing/samplerate reduction?
I think that when used right, these effects can bring out a lot of… tangibility (?). Especially when processing composites of clean melodic content with subtle noisy/crackly stuff.

edit: or how about noise gates with a high threshold? That typically cuts out a lot of reverb and other expansive stuff and only leaves the loud immediate hits.

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Nothing boutique or special to add, cheap, and works as intended. I’d describe it as a poorly dusted piano in a damp basement with sleet hitting the window.

NUX Atlantic:

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Haha, great :slight_smile:

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It does. It also does super interesting things as an effect send. So warm.

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I am listening to your sound. :blush:

Did you consider granular fx ?Gotharman’s fx are pretty dope. Or maybe look for some granular plugins (I don’t know which ones, but other nauts will suggest things ?)

Edit: The shallow waters looks nice for your sound too.

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I have not tried it but I’ve always been intrigued by it. Have you tried Strymon’s Deco?


Nice :slight_smile: the Chase Bliss Mood does a lot of granular stuff, and the Blackbox sampler has a granular mode. I’m using both quite extensively on the EP. So you’re def right on the money there.

@craig you know, I’ve been eyeing it from time to time. When I had the Heat, I heard that the Deco was kind of similar but just more defined and limited in features. I think perhaps the Blackbox filtering and pitch fx are enough to get me to that point, but I woudn’t know for sure, I’ve never experiened the Deco firsthand.

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As always going to recommend the OTO machines Bim and Bam for this. Few other things come as close to character even regardless of its price. Many people with eventide 9000s still use them. Why? That unique 80s intimate sound


EHX Deluxe Memory Man the ol big ones. Def.


I don’t have one (I have the Fabrikat and love it), but I immediately thought about the Draume from Pladask Elektrisk:


I feel like nostalgic and intimate go hand in hand at times for me (triggering memories is always very personal/intimate) but I find the sound of a lot what I have heard of the microcosm seems to capture that. I don’t have one though so I can’t really speak to it other than there are some cool demos out there. Although you might have a decent amount of what it does on lock with other pedals.

When watching some of the makenoise strega on Alehan’s instagram he did some just sending audio from a music player though it, which to me had a really interesting sound when hit with the FX… maybe using the oscillator in a sort of unstable setting to subtly modulate the delay filter would go a long way to getting some real dust. Obviously I’m not sure how it would stand up purely as a processing device, not really enough demos of it to know yet. It might end up a bit same-ish.

Nice track. I’ll withdraw my original pedal suggestion for that. But what instantly comes to mind is an Eventide H9 modfactor algo called Undulator. It’s a bit Cocteau Twins -ish
Hav a listen to the “Never There 2 Wet” sample here…


circuit, didn’t you get that CXM 1978?

You only started this thread so you could bring up the Blackbox, didn’t you?!


Careful there, mate. Timing’s everything. They’re not ready yet :blush:

@Hawk I considered it, but decided against it. It seems lovely but it’s a reverb and I don’t need one of those, in the end.

@JamesM thanks :blush: I’ll look into it. Listened a lot to the twins when I was younger.

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Just watched this and thought of this thread: