FX track AMP envelope not working?

Was playing with my ST last night. I sent all my tracks through the FX block, put trigs on the FX track on 1, 5, 9, 13, set the depth of the amp to full, and… nothing happened. None of the send FX worked, either. It was weird. The filter and OD worked fine, though. Am I missing something?

Check if you accidentally muted the FX track

Wouldn’t muting the FX track also stop the overdrive and filter? I didn’t even know you COULD mute the FX track. How does one do that?

you can mute the fx track in the global mute mode, thats one way I know to do it

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This happened to me atleast once, but i was convinced I was just doing something wrong.

But i too have had this case several times.
but i don’t know if it’s a bug or a bad manipulation

check this anyway :
Press “FX” -> “TRIG” choose “AMP T” on/off

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Is this something to consider?

To prevent an audio feedback loop, the DEL and REV parameters are disabled when the
delay and reverb respectively are routed in to the Analog FX

Right, but the AMP ENV should work, yeah? The feedback part makes sense, though.

Which button is for the FX mute in Global Mute Mode?

cheers for mentioning - I’m not a ‘mute’ junkie (well the label is good) but I only need ‘quick’ mutes so never noticed that the FX track was indeed mutable after all, as elsewhere, but only when latching Mute mode is used

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The FX button


Oh shit. I had no idea. What are the different colors of the button to indicate muted or not? Also, would muting the FX track also mute everything running through it, or only the trigs for AMP/DELAY/REVERB? Again, the overdrive and filter still worked fine.

Bright Green Unmuted or DIM Green Muted (Global Mutes)

Bright Purple Unmuted or DIM Purple Muted (Pattern Mutes)

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only the trigs and any parameter locks on settings, i.e. the sequenced bits - there’s no audio muting

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Hmmm. Ok. I don’t recall seeing it any other color than yellow/orange. I’ll need to check again.

Fun + Bank[Mute Mode] to get into the two ‘Main/Latching’ Mute modes

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Oh yeah. I know all about that, I just didn’t notice the FX button changing colors. I’ll check again tonight.

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