FX track recording?

Hi, I am figuring out how OB works with my AK. My DAW sees 12 pins: the main outs, each stereo track output, plus one extra pair. The recorded track outputs are dry, without fx. Is the last pair supposed to supply the FX output for recording? There’s no signal at all… Can we record individual tracks with FX at all?


The last pair is the AK Inputs.

Here’s a Screenshot of what it looks like in Ableton :

This is A4 but it’s the same with AK. The FX Track is gonna be recorded through the AK Master Outs. In the Audio Routing of the AK, you will have to unrout each Track (T1 to T4) from the Master Outs. This way, only the FX from all the Tracks will be routed to the Master Outs of the AK.


Yes. You can choose to record them one by one with their FX but the routing will be different. Keep the Tracks routed to the Master Outs in the AK.

Or you can choose to record each Track dry with its FX Track separately. You just need to understand how the routing works.


Thanks, yes, I hadn’t thought of that indeed. That makes OB pretty useless for me when recording separate channels, because I monitor through hardware and I’m not going to change that. To high latency monitoring through DAW+OB plugin, and I encountered several issues with plugin latency compensation and midi sync. Interesting though to record the external inputs separately, I’ll experiment with that, thanks for pointing that out!

PS I use the performance mode a lot so recording one by one is not really an option… but I get the point. Thanks again!

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