Gaia vs Digitone

Trying to setup a Roland Gaia with a Digitone

I want to be able to play the Gaia keyboard to record a sequence into the Digitone and have the Digitone play the sequence back through the Gaia so I can play a lead on top of the sequence

Right now I’m able to record a sequence on the Digitone synth track using the Gaia as a controller, then I copy the synth track over to a midi track and delete the notes on the synth track

It’s a pretty clunky way and it’s not something I can do live obviously

Anyone have any advice for a better configuration/ workflow?

Midi cable from Gaia to DN
Audio cable from Gaia to DN

Turn on monitoring on the DN so you hear the Gaia. Keep the Gaia volume turned down when you’re recording a sequence to the DN. Turn it up when you want to play a lead or chords live on the Gaia.

If you want to sequence the Gaia from the DN as well, things get a little more complicated. You plug another midi cable from DN to Gaia. You then set midi channels, and should be able to live record notes into a DN midi track, triggering the Gaia. The trouble is that notes will be triggered twice, once from the Gaia as you play it and once from the DN as you input the notes onto the midi track. You can solve this by turning local off on the Gaia, but then you lose the ability to play it live.

Personally I think a good compromise would be to just keep the DN for sequences and use the Gaia for realtime playing, best of both worlds. Not a great idea to overcomplicate things with too many options if you’re doing a liveset.

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Set the correct MIDI channels on Gaia. You want to be on the Auto channel of Digitone to play current track, if I’m not mistaken.

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