
Good morning

Save me some time and headache please. Will over bridge work in GarageBand?

Thanks if you know :slight_smile:


I’ve gotten it to work. I had to upgrade to 10.13 (High Sierra) to get Overbridge to work with Garageband. Then, it’s a matter of setting your audio inputs to capture from the USB. The gotcha that had me stumped for a while was that I got audio when I pressed play on the sequence, but not when I passed audio through the inputs. The resolution was how you define the track in GB, whether it is an instrument track (like monitoring a guitar over a mic) or as a plug-in (like their electric piano model). Details are a little hazy since I’ve only done this once or twice several weeks ago, but I believe that you should set it up as an instrument. It took me about an hour and a half to figure it out, but I’m not a DAW guy. I could try to look into this more and document it if there is interest out there in the aether.

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@cogsy thank you. This is perfect.

With my skills I could have spent a day, then given up, only to find it is and never was possible. I’m also on High Sierra so thats good to know.

I’ll download Overbridge and follow what you did.

Thanks again. I searched a while and couldn’t find anything recent about OB and GB so assumed everyone is using other DAWS.


This my attempt to document how to get Garageband to work with Overbridge. I hope this can help out someone else down the road…

Setup: Once you first open the Overbridge program and setup the engine, you will need to tell your Mac’s security settings to trust it. I believe that you have some limited time window (30 minutes) to do this the first time you use OB. This is in the Overbridge documentation.

Step 0: Make sure the Overbridge engine is on (look for the Elektron logo in the tool bar) and set your audio input to monitor from USB.

Step 1: Set up an audio track to catch the audio (over USB) coming from your instrument

Step 2: Make sure the track settings are monitoring input from your instrument. You can record to you track, but the Elektron engine will show up as idle (I’m not sure why…)

Step 3: Now, let’s try to set up a software plug-in instrument. Change the plug-in from the default electric piano to the Elektron instrument.

Step 4: Now the Overbridge window pops up. I can affect the sound on the A4 in realtime by editing the OB window, and I can hear audio through my speakers. Pressing REC/PLAY on GB causes the A4 sequencer to play but audio is NOT recorded to the track. Pressing notes on the keyboard caused events to be recorded into the Software Instrument track, but it’s not grabbing audio. Pressing play on the Audio Instrument track does not trigger the seqencer.

I’m sure that someone smarter than me can figure this one out, but hopefully this gets some of you started. Happy playing!


Hey @cogsy

This is great. Thank you. Followed your instructions and super clear and easy.

Happy Sunday to you :heart_eyes_cat:

Meant to say, took about 20 mins from downloading OB to getting track on to GB.

I think that your steps 1 and 2 are not needed for overbridge recording — doesn’t USB input work on most modern Elektron boxes without Overbridge? That may be why you don’t see the OB engine doing anything.

I’ve only used the plugin with Ableton though, so I’m not sure.