Gated reverb hack?

Hi, I’ve done some searches here, on Google, on YouTube w/o luck. Has anyone a good hack for producing something like a gated reverb on the Digitone?

Pushing the gain into the max levels and slamming the reverb sorta has a gated quality.

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I’ve never been able to really find a good hack for that. However, I’ve had lots of fun trying to simulate reverb using the synth engine and modulating that. Try using the LFOs to introduce noise and random near-audio-rate panning (that fades in after triggered) in a sustained tone - it kind of works! Has a bit of a chiptune quality to it, but hey - that’s nice! :slight_smile:


…a lfo to reverb volume or size would be nice though…


Midi loop back trick, send one of the Reverb CC parameter to a LFO on one of the midi tracks