Gated reverb on the M:C?

I’m fairly certain there’s a way to get gated reverb on the M:C drums…I figured if I set the LFO to env or square & destination to reverb or gate it might work. I realize these aren’t exactly those kind of “gates”, but they could be worth a shot. Feel like I’m halfway there, its definitely shortening the rev time but I wasn’t quite to Phil Collins mode. Anybody tried this, or think of settings that might get it there?

Not sure, but until anyone else has a better idea: doesn’t gated reverb even sound like it’s accumulating in volume? So maybe try something with an exponential LFO upping the reverb from less to more? Never use exp LFO that way around, would it drop back down at the end of its oneshot cycle? Otherwise you’d need to Parameter lock a second (now triggless) trig to close te reverb gate?

Best I’ve got :slight_smile:

It’s a gate after the reverb, so the reverb does not decay down, the gate cuts the reverb off when it falls under the treshold.

Ofc you can dial in different settings on your gate, but usually gated reverb is a pretty hard cut. I’d try square or exponential wave to cut off the reverb.

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You’d need some sort of external control of the reverb level, as you only have LFO control of the reverb send with the M:C, not the level.
I’ll try a square LFO from my Octatrack later and let you know how it goes.


Ok, when you don’t have control over the reverb level, that’s a tough one!

Maybe try p-locking the send level up on the snare trig and cut the reverb decay with a one shot lfo at the right time. Can you modulate reverb tone with the lfo?

Can’t find lfo destinations in the manual. Is every knob lfo target?

You can only affect send levels with LFOs or plocks, no FX parameters.

Thx. That’s tough. Seems the lfo in my AK is similar to the Models’ lfo (AK has more trig modes and two destinations, but apart from that it’s similar). I’ll try if I can get something akin to a gated reverb by modulating the send level.

I renamed the discussion title because it was not explicit enough.

Well, I’m getting nowhere on my AK…let the Model:Wizards take over. :slight_smile:

I can get it to sound somewhat reminiscent of a gated reverb, but meh.

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