Get ready…

…it’s flagship time in 2021 again…

Hi, the DJ that performs Wednesday at Elektron Blush Response shows some vids of his music and gear on his Facebook. In this screenshot you see a still of his post of 14 feb. And a still from last Sunday. In the still on Sunday there is a yellow box in the left top corner. I don’t know it, does someone recognize it or could it be… can someone confirm the yellow box?

He says also on a post in Elektronauts on FB that he does enjoy the new thing.

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It’s an old emu thing.



Yep, e- mu.

I wasn’t attacking the bigger boxes.

They have their place.

I was defending against attack of the model:samples because when a tool is called a “toy”, it serves to dissuade people who would otherwise find some use out it, make people who own it feel bad, and make people who don’t own it feel good. Not much productivity in such attitudes.

I don’t have to attack the Rytm to know that the Model:Samples can do good work.

A rising tide lifts all boats.


Thnx for clearing that out!

…go to a Boards of Canada forum.
Holy shit.


Ah, this takes me back to the Heat teaser period.

Elektron teaser time makes me feel like a kid the days before Christmas again


Although I would love new mnm and md I bet on a wavetable kinda synth in digi format. Seems to be a trend these days.

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You’ll have to wait for the Volca Wave first.

Volca FM > Digitone
Volca Mix > NO
Volca Drum > ???

These types of products usually sell fastest in their first year or two after release/hype, do you not agree? If they sell really well new competitors emerge with products that overlap and pinch market share.

Well, there are people who gig with model:samples. Yes, it’s a plastic bomba, but anyway - plock and one knob = one function without page switching is a win in our hectic world.
Electron should make more of this one knob makes one thing boxes. They are fun, they are good for live noodling.


Volca Beats = Rytm
Volca Sample = Model: Samples
Volca Keys = A4
Volca Modular = ?

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All just good fun.

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21 posts were split to a new topic: Off topic junk


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Nilbog is goblin spelled backwards!


You can see in the background of the second teaser is the first teaser. You can see the hand to the left and what looks like a real human hand on the right tweaking knobs or something.

The main part within the square of the second teaser looks like it’s an abstract view of the creatures heart :heart:. The heart is a humans drum machine. It’s primal the first thing we hear in the womb is a heartbeat. My $ is something geared towards drum sounds. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: (for me anyways)

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I think it’ll be a machinedrum in the digi sized format :+1: