Ghostly approaching footsteps

Hi guys new here. Just starting to mess with the dt. I’m getting a weird random behaviour when tweaking a sound. Not sure if it’s a delay problem. I get a weird rhythmic clicking just like footsteps getting louder and louder. Filter, envelope, doesnt effect it, it just gets louder and louder. Only thing that cuts it is double tap stop? Is it something simple im doing wrong? Cheers.

Check your delay settings

First thing I tried bud. Even if I turn the delay right off the sound keeps increasing

Is your feedback up though?

I’m new mate lol. What do you mean by feedback up?

Top right corner there.
If that is to the right of 12 o’clock, the volume will increase quickly regardless if any tracks play a sound

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Yes mate it was up. It’s that what will cause it?

Brilliant thank you mate. That was exactly it. :grin: told you i was new lol. Thanks bud :+1:

Yeah no problem check out the fx parts in the manual. The delay is really great, the filter and feedback are special in it

Thanks bud ill have a look :+1:

If your new, be careful with that feedback! :slight_smile:

It’s caused many to throw their headphones off. It’s actually very cool that they left it so aggressive, but with short delay times it can go crazy. You’ve been warned :slight_smile:


Lol, yeah found that out mate. When I first heard it, was a a percussion hit somewhere and sounded like slow footsteps I the fog. Cool effect till I realised it was getting louder and was going to stop. So glad it’s not a fault. Bought a used one on ebay a few weeks ago, that went wrong but loved it in the two days I had it, so bought a new one instead. :+1:

i thought this was a new challenge thread at first glance. “Create ghostly approaching footsteps on your Elektron device”

started giving it some serious thought, LFO on the reverb, layering of filtered sounds for the double clacking, variable LFO for organic step patterns…

but glad you sorted your feedback levels out :slight_smile:


Lol thanks bud. I did think that when I put the post up. It was a awesome effect to be fair lol. I’m completely new at music and sound production so definately something ill dig into recreating.

Wow new to production and the DT is your 1st device- nice :+1:

Who can remember when they 1st discovered the feedback control?

  • Takes me back about 40 years! Early 80s digital delays thru a guitar amp.
    Best fun available with a :microphone:
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Not strictly my first device mate. I love tech even if I cant use it lol. My first bit of gear was a Fantom X7, had it a few years, then bought a pocket operator couple years ago then the opz. Soon after bought an MPC one last year and now a digitakt :man_facepalming: really is a case of all the gear and no idea lol.

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Cool :sunglasses: Keep on enjoying :wink:

Omg this brings back some memories :joy: feedback through a loud tube amp is the stuff of nightmares…

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But…did you sample it?
That would make a nice contest. Build a track from sampled feedbacked delays only.


Time for a repost -
That’s exactly this track.
No drums and it’s long so jump in about 7min to get a taste …
Listen to Figure Of 12.mp3 by Spheric El on #SoundCloud