Giving back!...Thank You Pattern Posters!

I don’t always start with the idea in my head.

sometimes there isn’t one.

That’s when i start fidgeting around with patterns from various sample packs and the idea comes alive through a jam session with said pattern.

I love these things, there are so many uses for them. Most of what I’ve learned from Cycles is picking through the factory content seeing how they were made! I wanted to share some of my own now, for maybe there is someone like me who is lurking for .syx
this is a preview of a more complete project. any feedback or patterns of your own to share, I am grateful!


Do you mean patches? Or are you literally talking about step patterns?

step patterns! like sequences made up of several patches. Forgive me, this is my first hardware synthesizer and my terminology might not be totally clear yet.


No you’re good, I was thinking for a minute you were referring to patches as it’s common for individuals to reverse engineer them, and get an understanding of parameters. This is also true with Elektrons sequencer too. Just clarification for my easily confused brain.