Glitch when using overbrige

Hi all,

First time posting here!

I bought an AR back in October and love it. Only real problem I’ve had is when using Overbridge. Occasionally it begins to sound like everything is being bitcrushed and distorted. Tends to happen when I’m recording so it’s a real pain.

I’ve using Ableton 9.6 and the new version of Overbridge.

Here’s a link of a normal kick!6436&authkey=!AAxYNrg4kc4599M&ithint=file%2Cwav

Here’s the kick when it starts glitching!6438&authkey=!AIj1ObsghLZv4y4&ithint=file%2Cwav

I’ve tested the headphone output when this glitch occurs and it sounds fine so doesn’t look as though there’s an issue with the machine.

My machine has 6gb of RAM and an Intel i5-3210m 2.5GHz and a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6.

I know that it may be the machine struggling, it just doesn’t seem likely as the performance seems fine across the board other than this. When it happens it’s almost instant, no noticeable stutter or anything when the glitch starts. I’ve tried reducing buffer size as well but doesn’t seem to help.

Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem?


hey - there’s nothing demanding about OB itself, it’s the management of that tiny bandwidth in the context of the big PC picture with all sorts going on - it’s not a demanding PC task, it’s demanding in other ways - i doubt the machine spec is a big factor - ps, reducing buffer size is the wrong way to go if you’re concerned that the PC is being worked hard
if you search (use google) you’ll see this is a common experience, perhaps you’ll find a few pointers (from the many) to narrow it down

didnt tested the new OB, but in previous versions i had that recording glitch, when ableton is on 44,1 KHZ and OB on 48 KHz.

So the easy fix is, to turn ableton into 48 KHZ and then it works super perfect recording all tracks in separate.

Cheers and have fun

Try making the buffer size (OB and in Live) larger, not smaller.

What computer OS are you using?

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Apologies I’m so late coming back to this!

I actually meant to type I had increased buffer as opposed to reduce.

I’m using Windows 10 at the moment.

This may well be the problem, I’ll make the changes and hopefully it’ll be sorted.


So I changed the audio settings in Ableton to 48k. Hadn’t encountered the problem in about two weeks but it happened again today :frowning:

Not sure what’s causing this now, but it does seem to be less frequent.

This doesn’t help your situation, but I went back to record the audio the old way because I couldn’t get OB working reliably. Speaker destroying screeches will really easily spoil your mood of making music. (Unless you’re into eurorack :wink:

I would rather record the audio using the outputs but don’t have enough inputs on my interface!

Truth be told I maybe would use the noises it makes if I could control them, but I don’t like it happening randomly or in the middle of a recording.