Global key and Scale

great pattern one, set key and scale…awesome…make 4 other patterns and what? every track and midi track needs to be set for key and scale. is there a way to make a template that setup up my chosen key and scale or maybe future feature for a Global key and scale?
Polyend Set scale and forget…


Have you seen the keyboard on the DN ? !

1 Tiny
2 irregular orientation, even using my brain mode it caught me out with intervals spacially from a sharp
3 age … goto 1 … i mistype on a normal computer keyboard

sometimes we need assistance and time spent trying to juggle numbers whilst you are playing in live is not great for immediacy - i can’t imagine anybody practising for hours each day to finesse their key licks on a DN keybed

What makes matters worse (if set up the key/scale across all tracks and then do a clear you’ll have to start all again

we ought to have a way to both set Key/scale per pattern (not just per track) and there should be a one-shot clear mode (or option to preserve) that doesn’t wipe that - again, what if playing in live, buzzkill

learning trumps all of that if you can, but by that level of assessment we may as well suggest playing all the parts in real time too :troll: :wink:

the stuff i saw Lonesome Organist do live was way more multilayered than this, he’d a guitar too :alien:

op - no way to achieve this presently, make a FR with Elektron and hone your chops in the meantime


Global key and scale would be great, along with global transposition :ok_hand: