Global slot n00b question

hi machinedrum lovers!

quick question

lets say I have 2 bands (ice and fire)

and I want to upload a 909 drum kit for my Ice Band and have the memory fully used (2.5MB if I am right)

and I want a RYTM Kit for my Fire Band project (

does that mean

if I save the Ice stuff in Global Slot 1

and the

Fire stuff in Global Slot 2

I will only be able to access these files when I am in either of the 2 Global Slots?


I will not be able to delete samples / patterns of the other project?

long story short: I am wondering if the MD has the same Project feature like the A4 (where kits and patterns will be independent from one another)

thanks for all insight!

i am feeling after more than 6 months I am finally getting a grip of the MD UW+

The slots for global settings are quite well-described in the manual. See GLOBAL SETTINGS. Each slot contains settings for Control, Routing, and Sync. In your band analogy, you might use different global slots for when the band is in the studio or performing live (because you might be, for example, slaving to a DAW in the studio, or hardware only when playing live, or using all the individual outs in the studio or just a stereo out for live).

Your example of having different sample sets for two different bands is more like having two different snapshots (one for each band) on the + Drive. There are eight global settings slots available in each snapshot.

hi PeterHanes — exactly! … snapshot VS global slot … confused I was! snapshots is what I was looking for … thanks!

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