Good places to find eurorack modules

Hi there,

I just realized that I didn’t buy gear all year!
And to celebrate I am starting a modular :alien: … My question is, besides the marketplace in here, where do you guys find good deals on modules (used or not).
What’s the recommendations for cases?
Should I invest in a bigger one or start small?


Muffwiggler is the best site for everything modular, including second hand modules




How did you manage that?!

I have purchased modules from Perfect Circuit. :sunglasses:

Spend money on a decent and clean power supply…makes all the difference to the euro experience.

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6U/84hp min.

Matttech modular has awesome modules.

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That’s a dangerous path, be warned …

if you jump down into that rabbit hole, because you celebrate that you succeeded controlling your GAS this year, it could be, that next year at about the same time, you may lament that you started modular at all :wink:

Once infected with all the possibilities of modular gear can last long, be intensive, and can be very bad for the wallet :wink:

But it’s so much fun too :smiley:

Now to the question … where to start. Muffwiggler has been named already and also Modular Grid. Excellent ressources.

But if you haven’t built a modular yourself in the past, it could be wise to ask around and to invest some time to know, what you really want.

  1. What type of music shall be created?
  2. Is it more for studio recording or for live performance?
  3. Shall it be East-Coast or West-Coast, or a mixed East/West system?
  4. What kind of synthesis shall be implemented? Subtractive, FM, Wavetable, Waveshaping, Wavefolding, analogue and/or digital?
  5. Shall it be more of an instrument, or an FX system, or both?
  6. Are “drums” wanted, or is it more of a melodic synth?
  7. Is a sequencer needed?
  8. … other mandatory and important features?
  9. Is there a pre-configured system like a Doepfer or Make Noise, which fit’s the bill already?
  10. … budget?

Depending on the answers an optimized modular system can be very different. The advantage of having so much freedom can be difficult to handle at the first time.

There is one source I would like to add:

That’s DivKid aka Ben Wilson. Outstanding knowledge and excellent at explaining various modules on YT.

I had luck … I asked a very competent guy at Schneidersladen, Berlin, and got a lot of excellent advice. Came in with a rough idea, what I thought I would like to do and left with nearly the same concept, but with a much better implementation and selection of modules, which I am happy with since the first day :smile:


Facebook groups-

The muff wigglers
Eurorack synthesisers
Eurorack Synthesis: Trades, Sales & Discussion
modular synthesizer sales and trade (europe)
Modular Synth Trades (Europe)
aussie wigglers
modular synth sales and trades (australia)



Yeah definitely interesting … their forum software hurts my eyes though hhh

Yeah I didn’t realize they have a marketplace in there!

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Nothing I really liked to the point I wanted to buy it really …

Signal Sounds. The guy in there is honest and will do anything to help/good prices.

Juno records often do better prices if you call them…