Good problem

I was fortunate this xmas/birthday to receive a few bucks from my family. I currently own the MD w/o Sampling, AK, and the OT. Even though I could probably create most of what I want with this configuration, I love learning and working with these machines and am looking to pick up another. I’d like to get peoples’ opinions on the Monomachine versus the RYTM. I understand they are different machines with different functions…I’m having a tough time making a decision because I don’t need either one, but would like to continue building my Elecktron collection. Thanks for your input.


Edit: sorry to be so terse in my initial response, but are there really not other things in the world that you would like to explore? And if it has to be another Elektron machine, surely you are smart enough to figure out whether you would prefer a digital synth or an analog drum machine + sample player? And how come that in your other thread you said that you already had a Monomachine?

They can all do drums, perhaps not quite like the AR, but you have a lot of the drum side covered there - depends on the sounds / music / workflow you like - i think the AR is special, it has a something that makes it always sound cohesive and huge but very musical - the analog side is a huge factor in that - the filters and the fx glue it all together nicely.
If you’re not needing more than the OT offers for midi seq duties then that may be one less vote for the MNM which I don’t know well - if you compare the workflow between the MD and AK that may also point to significant factors for you - a great instrument that’s impenetrable may be less productive for you - the AR will not be tricky if you’re all over the AK
If you don’t know what you want i’d recommend neither though if i’m honest - if you need to spend, keep it modest, maybe a blofeld to put through your OT or a digital OSC to cv control from your AK

Edit: sorry to be so terse in my initial response, but are there really not other things in the world that you would like to explore? And if it has to be another Elektron machine, surely you are smart enough to figure out whether you would prefer a digital synth or an analog drum machine + sample player? And how come that in your other thread you said that you already had a Monomachine?

Ok. In response to your response, I have explored quite a few synths and drum machines, and feel like the elektron’s offer the best bang for your buck. I was considering the minitaur, sub phatty, one of the boom stars, or starting a modular rack, but I really like the sounds that I’ve heard coming from the mnm and AR, and especially the sequencer. Like I said in my original post, I don’t need either. I’ll admit that this next purchase might be a impulse buy, but…either way I don’t think I’ll go wrong in the long run. I’m borrowing a mnm from a friend for short while to try out. He doesn’t use a keyboard with it, so he wasn’t much help with getting the midi set up. I’m really just looking to get opinions on both machines, but if you have some other good suggestions to break this elektron cycle, then I’m open to hearing them. Thank you for the midi set up information!