Good settings for a classic 909 clap?

I think the RYTM clap is my least favorite machine on my favorite Elektron box. Any tips on making a good analog 909 sounding clap before I say “fuck it” and just use a sample?

I found the clap OK with high RAT (obvious with NUM>1), not too many claps (NUM), a little overdrive.
You might go closer to the 909 with some LP filter, don’t you think so ?

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Cheers for the advice, Ill experiment further when I get home tonight.

I’ve only had my AR for a day but so far the clap is my favourite machine (alongside BD). I’ll have to try and do a side by side with my 808/909 but I can get pretty good analog clap with this setting:

the key to make it crack is to add just a little overdrive (+10/20)

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Late to the party but thanks for this :smiley:
Also low tone, around 20 and then a decent amount of decay, sounds great to me!