Good sound card for a4 dt ah setup

I want to buy a good sound card. but what to buy?
UA Apollo? I don’t know I want these eq, compressors, etc, so why to spend so much?
Motu UltraLite mk5? I don’t need all those inputs and outputs, I think. Even my A4 DT and AH inputs are not used, so why to need more. Although, it will be nice to have a good input for mic and for guitar. But if I just want sound quality and no latency, is this 8 in 8 out motu necessary?
SSL Volt?

no idea? anyone can help me on this?

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All three have Overbridge and can pipe audio direct to your DAW. What do you need from a soundcard which these boxes don’t provide?

EDIT: sorry, I skipped over the bit about a mic and guitar.

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Check out Audient ID22. Good value for money. Solid build, build in di input for guitar. Straight input with pre amp by pass. Mono and side buttons to check the mix and easy to upgrade to 8 extra in/outs for adat. Easy UI and rock solid.
There will be some latency whatever you choose.


How about something like a Motu M4?
You would be covered for mic and guitar, and you would have the option of running a chain of Elektrons into the line inputs, or using overbridge to record them separately.
A lot cheaper than the Ultralite but should give you the same sort of quality and latency.

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i cannot use analog heat as a heat and a soundcard. If i set it to ob mode, then I cant use it as my output soundcard in ableton
or am I missing something? guitar and mic are ‘nice to have’ but I don’t need it’.

I’ve got a MOTU M2 and I love it. At first i didn’t really know why i would need a sound card (I record everything via OB) but it is nice to have a separate sound card for play back and with the two ins it would accommodate your set up nicely

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RME Fireface USB or firewire

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I usually plug my electric in the Digitone input, which makes a great sound card. In fact, the DT is the best interface I had in my life. The output is soooo nice, precise, warm and punchy. I never measured the overall latency, but it’s pretty good in my opinion. I never tried to plug a mic. It will depend on the output of the mic, but I’m sure one can get good results. Another option would be to buy just a preamp to feed the DT inputs. I really prefer to use the DT as a sound card than my Audient ID14. The only reason I’d buy a new interface would be to plug in several HW synths. In this case I’d go for something I could use without a computer in standalone mode. I’m not sure every UAD can handle this. Maybe an Ultralite MK5 or an RME.

I believe it is UAD that makes the Volt.

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I haven’t used the ID22, but I have the ID44, and it is a great interface.

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Even better.

I use a focusrite 8in and the playback feature allows me to sample everything via USB. Not too sure about the quality tho since all i see om here is MOTU and SSL…