Hack bbox samples?

Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere but has anyone discovered a way to replace the 12bit samples in the Dpro Bbox machine with your own samples?

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This would be great



even though it’s a way cool idea!

it is of course as everyone knows possible to put User waves in one of the Monomachine chord machines.

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There is a way to play samples with monomachine. Very lofi though.
I don’t remember the specific quirks, but basically, you divide samples in very small fragments and then load them as waves , one after the other, and set an lfo to read them sequentially.
This way you use one of the digiwaves to play a longer sample than a one cycle wave.


that is a way trippy workaround lol, very cool. actually i remember that (vaguely) from Elektron User years.

the Machinedrum’s 12 bit Userwave sample environment is pretty gorgeous to work with. Imported samples change, they either work or they don’t … i make lists of favourites and so forth, trying to create a semblance of potential order, partially.


Somebody please make this happen for the MnM!


I love this engine features but could never get on with the samples :frowning:

@JustinValer? @v-yadli? Any chance?

If it was possible for the Electribe, maybe it is for the MnM as well?