Handling note tails at the end of a loop

I’ve got the OT’s MIDI sequencer controlling my synth. So I sample a couple bars to make a loop and put it on an audio track. The problem is that the loop gets re-triggered before the end of the last note tail, so it sounds cut-off.

I can fix this by using two tracks and switching back and forth between them, but is there a better way? I wish the flex machine had a few voices of polyphony.


Parameter lock your Hold on that trig so it only plays for the exact # of steps you want - also lock your Release to 0 for that step. That way it won’t be able to loop and won’t be triggered again until it comes around on the sequencer.

Thanks for your help! I think wasn’t specific enough in the question though. I’d like it to loop continuously. I think what you are proposing works well if I wanted it to play every other loop (cool trick!),

Basically, I’ve got a sequence using the OT’s MIDI sequencer controlling my synth. I’d like to capture that in an audio loop and play that back, including the note tails which overlap into the next cycle.

Thanks for your help! I think wasn’t specific enough in the question though. I’d like it to loop continuously. I think what you are proposing works well if I wanted it to play every other loop (cool trick!),

Basically, I’ve got a sequence using the OT’s MIDI sequencer controlling my synth. I’d like to capture that in an audio loop and play that back, including the note tails which overlap into the next cycle.[/quote]
Not sure I get what you’re saying fully but, here is how it would work in my mind :

if you start sampling after the sequence has gone through its full cycle, then the audio will contain the tail of the previous notes in the beginning of the recording. So, if you were to loop that recording, the first few notes would also have the ending tail. Hope this is clear enough :slight_smile:
Cheers !

it is math. you need to figure out the length of you sample in BPMs.


and the numbers have to be exact or clicks and weirdness happen. no lies in math!

So then when you get numbers you have to work with in the 64 steps and tail the whole length and your other loop starts again at a shorter interval.