Hey, I like the sound of Digitone but I hate menus. Can anyone recommend me a good, small hardware knobs n’ sliders controller (like a Faderfox UC4, say) where I can set up a sane mapping for useful parameters and then avoid (some) menu diving?
I see for example a software M4L device where they’ve broken out everything in a sensible way for screens, but without a vast hardware controller not everything can be one-knob per function in reality… so what would/do you map if you have such a setup?
Research so far indicates the Novation Launchpad XL is a cheap and capable friend, even though they seem to pitch it as a DAW controller these days: so I’ll probably go for one of those
i have a vcm-600 but i couldn’t find any information online if i could use it to control my OTmk1 via a kenton usb hub standalone. if you have any information can you please share. and this is the only page where vcm 600 is written ahahaah