Has anyone found a good, cheap riser for Elektron gear?


I have a gear setup of mostly small desktop units.

Currently, space and feng shui has dictated that my Rytm is directly in front of my Octatrack (so the rear panel of the Rytm faces the front panel of the Octatrack.) Almost all of the laptop stands I see are 6" rises or more. All I need is clearance so I can route cables underneath the Octatrack without having to pull them hard to one side, or put stress on the MIDI + audio jacks from tension.

Is there something sturdy and non-slip I could buy to lift the Octatrack without a drastic change in height? Worst case scenario I buy some foam, custom cut it and then put rubber adhesive pads on the top/bottom for traction, but I imagine that something like this exists already…

mStand by rain design is my favorite.

Amazon makes a cheaper knock off

AmazonBasics Laptop Stand - Silver https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WRDS0AU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_JMaByb6MH0CA1

Another alternative:

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Too tall for my needs :neutral_face:

Truly I just want it raised enough to run cables under.
I think I might just go to a custom pro-audio case company and have them cut me some foam. They’re just so cranky to talk to :cry:

(Edit : if i read better that’s probably not what you’re looking for)

Laptop support, black (but less nice from a cooling point of view than AdamJay link)

This would be IDEAL if there was a gap in the middle to run cords thru. I want to raise the Octatrack on the sides, with a clean gap in the middle for cable routing.

I love how finnicky Elektron owners are about stands :slight_smile: its in our nature

It’s plastic so i guess you can make the gap. I see the same model in wood more easy to make the gap but i can’t remembering me where i seen it

Make it :wink:

Then go with the u-boats, linked above.

I cut a breadboard into four pieces that now hold two of my Elektron machines. You can’t beat DIY for ad hoc and cheap solutions to specific needs :smiley:

I pulled apart the foam inside the A4 box. Slices off into neat rectangles and props it up perfectly. Use it on all my boxes :slight_smile:

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I have 3 of these for gear on my table they are also from ikea

I also have the 110 cm version og this that fits 3 x elektrons + a pedal. Probably the best and cheapest solution i have found 8 euroish?