Has anyone upgraded their MD with plus drive?

I love the way the MD handles samples, but hate the fact that my particular machine can only hold about 20 one shot samples - so I’ve been pondering saving up for upgrading to a + Drive.

Have anyone on here done that? How long did it take? Did it cost much to ship the Machine back and forth? Was it worth it? :wink:

Yep, it was worth it to me. If you like a diverse sound pool, having your 20 vs. having 128 * 20 is a big difference.

If you are in the US the shipping is $20-40 to GA. Shop time is typically 1-3 weeks but can be less.

Yeah, sounds mighty sweet. I’m in Norway, so shipping should be even quicker, I guess. Hmmm, I think I’ll go for this as soon as I have the money for it. :slight_smile:

My first Elektron was a secondhand MD MkII without a +Drive. I finally decided to upgrade it, but it wasn’t an easy decision – the combined price made it as expensive as a brand new unit (which now all come with +Drives).

Still, it’s a nice upgrade to have.

Hi, i know this is an old post. But i was wondering if you did the upgrade? I’m curious if the upgrade brings you also up to a UW with sample capability.

Or if upgrading to that is even an option.

I have an MK2 (non UW)