Has Elektron lost focus as a company?


The key is to not waste energy and time on hopes and hypes before a release!



Go on YouTube and look up any interview with any touring techno producer and the main thing youā€™ll hear them talking about is having to fit all their gear in their carry on bags and how multi function/flexible gear is super important.

For a lot of artists, Syntakt is very much the sort of thing they are asking for.


Itā€™s amazing anyone makes music these days, what with nothing to make music on.


Surely everyone wants the Elektron Everything MK1 - which comes in Silver Retro, Digi and grey slab form.


Not black slab? Elektron has slighted me personally, I will not stand for this.


I wanted a new Digiā€¦ to be as deep in wavetable synthesis as Digitone was in FM.

Syntakt is very diverse, but it gives just a few basic parameters to edit. Though it gives more fun and helps to make music faster, that you can start already from hi-tat sound without necessity to synthesise it at first. Itā€™s hard, while jamming with somebody, to start from a sine wave with every new sound.

Thatā€™s the anniversary edition only, gotta wait 10 years


thanks haha :slight_smile:

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A couple of employees leaving to do new things doesnā€™t imply anything.

Even if this is a ā€œcheapā€ ploy to make a new product and sell units, so what?! Businesses need revenue and if this does well it might well help fund bigger and better things.

Itā€™s not all about art Iā€™m afraid, money does come into it!


Maybe more Ā« focused on giving new customers what they want Ā».
I think the OP had a misconsepction of what Elektron is. If you live in the memory of innovative stuff and think thatā€™s what defines Elektron, itā€™s a bit a thing of the past.
Yes they reuse technology, new product, in line with what they recently presented. It sells so thatā€™s whqt they do.

It takes special people to be innovative and arrive from the concept to the product. Elektron had some of them in the past but seemed unable or did not want to keep them. Basic enterprising thinking, money making instead of innovation, thatā€™s a classic.


Canā€™t have bangers without mash. When will Elektron focus on the mash again?


Yes, more in that one chosen area. It is not that hard of a concept. I expected more synth, less drums.

Well, that saves me some typing.


I have a Rytm mk2. I love it, but itā€™s too big to carry around.
I didnā€™t want to get a Digitakt because it felt a bit like an overlap. So I got a Digitone. Lovely, power bank means I can shuffle it anywhere.
But I am a rhythm person so I use it for drums mainly. I like FM drums but the Digitone is no drum machine.
To me, the Syntakt fits a perfect spot, portable Elektron drums! And why not throw a bass line in there!


if there is no such thing as the wrong box then there is no such thing as the right box by whatever same metrics one chooses to espouse, all I can say is that every experience is a learning experience and this experience mirrors one of those experiences.

canā€™t please everyone

Itā€™s the main reason why they wonā€™t sell 7 billion units


How much more?
There are 5 dedicate synth (not drum) engines inside.

And they span capabilities across FM/Subtractive/Wavetable/Additive.
They arenā€™t Virus TIs but you can have 11 tracks of them at the same time.

Monomachine also had 5 independent/dedicated synth engines.

Having expectations always opens a person up to disappointment.


No worries. Itā€™s all fair and my comment was a petty thing to pick out.

Syntakt is what I want to sit alongside Digitakt but Iā€™m not a longtime Elektron user who would likely would want to see something more.

I realize that the Dirtywave M8 just killed my GAS for this thing.