Has Elektron lost focus as a company?

anyone mad at feature request should sharpen their pitchforks and head right on over to elektron headquarters since they are the one’s who put up all of the official feature request threads for the instruments they make…

but I make hiphop, and reluctantly skipped the digitone… so the syntakt looks like a nice grab bag of make it do what it do to me, hope to put my hands on one soon

and if ya think the syntakt means that elektron doesn’t make samplers anymore then you’re not thinking

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I don’t think it’s even “judging”, moreso some sort of public opinion-performance centered around their relationship with GAS.

Which sure, people should think what they want, but we could probably use less end-of-the-world drama about a product, even if we love our instruments.


I love all their products, and own most of them. I’ll also soon own the new syntakt which sounds amazing and looks lots of fun.

However, I wish they would stop their bullshit with the lack of “song mode” on the “takts” series of devices.

As for the company’s focus, their just following the Apple model and you can’t blame them.


What a truly bizarre message

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can’t peas everyone


This is a weird question… ‘loosing focus’ as a company would be getting into SAAS or plugin development, or creating a line of field recorders, or baseball bats.

Elektron developing a cool device that will probably sell like hot cakes and combines their current lines into an all-in-one and iterates with some new features? Doesn’t feel like they’re loosing focus AT ALL… they’re just making stuff you don’t want. If anything, your personal preferences probably don’t track with the market – definitely not Elektron’s fault.


to the OP’s question, no I don’t think they’ve lost focus, they may not focus on everything we want at the same time but then again sometimes in the long run that can be the best kind of focus for example… for anyone not interested in a syntakt, on the next outing they won’t have to be worried about elektrons focus on a syntakt, so whatever it is that the type of user might be interested in will get even better focus :+1:


I honestly will probably end up buying this at one point but I really hope they do come out with a focused flagship soon.
Like a take on granular synthesis or zoia style modular in the box.

Regardless, if this keeps the coffers full, good for them and hopefully good for us all


The great thing about lack of innovation in the present is that it makes older gear more interesting.


It’s not like they’ve pulled a Yamaha and are making jetskis AND synthesizers.


They still seem pretty focused to me but you have to wonder a bit if the flag ship line with song modes is just legacy at this point and will eventually just phase out, My favorites aren’t the flag ship models so I guess it is working out for me but yeah it might be nice for someone in a creative lead type roll at elektron to take an interview and talk about what the goals are in the future. It might put some of the rabid speculation to rest.

This right here is the problem, and what a GAS problem looks like. Not everyone is going to invest thousands in the Elektron ecosphere because they want all the toys. Most people reading this thread already knew their business model, but there might be someone new to this and wants something that sounds inspiring to play. Suggesting they lost focus is like suggesting Moog has lost focus for creating iOS apps. It’s reaching a different audience.


@RabidMusic in reply to "Has Elektron lost focus as a companyAbso-fucking-lutely pal.

Lost focus when they discontinued the Machine drum and Mono machine IMO, now they were the days however you’ll get the die hards everywhere who’ll disagree with your thread title trust me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well, they had to come up with more cost-effective machines with more mass appeal.

Instead of building on what they had, they broke it into pieces and sold them individually. It has been working for them … but the second a box comes out from another company that does what MD/MnM promised - well, I think I’ll be proven right.


A new product not appealing to you, OP, in no way signifies that Elektron as a company has lost focus. Sorry but that is a very myopic and self-centered viewpoint.

Zoom out a bit with your world view. How does a drum machine and synthesizer / groove box show that they have lost focus? It’s literally their bread and better. I would say the Syntakt focuses very well on drum sounds, and can do much more on top of that.



Sounds to me like you’re just feeling left out because you have so much Elektron stuff you can’t bring yourself to buy a Syntakt. Just do it, doooo iiiiiiit :smiling_imp:

(I have 6 elektrons myself so maybe I’m just projecting :rofl:)


Only three in your avatar


Fundamentally different circumstances there. I got the impression that it was the combination of leaning too hard on succeeding in a new (and smaller than anticipated) market, building the wrong product for that new market, along with foreign competition that they lacked the manufacturing background/expertise to compete with on price that did them in. So far, Elektron seems to have built a new product that the market as a whole actually wants, so until they lean the success of their company on badly conceived guitar synths, I’m not going to worry.

My fundamental issue with elektron is that they won’t make the best possible products they could, instead they are happy to compromise designs by withholding features for, what I assume, are marketing reasons. The lack of midi Arp on Digitone is an example of this, but there is more. It really just is cynical and pretty. I don’t want to play this kind of game and I won’t buy another Elektron until they change on this.


Designing machines like these is an art. What is left out is as important as what is included.

Also they have to function as a business and have time and resources that are limited. Blame capitalism or our finite existence. Why blame Elektron so cynically?