The past couple weeks I’ve been unable to load this site about half the time I try. Is it just me?
no there’s been grumblings in a thread or two - i’ve found the mobile responsiveness (especially at launch) to be hit or miss over the last month - it seems to be affecting others more severely, but i always get through eventually - it’s definitely been a thing lately though and it was brought to the attention of the site admin by the moderators
@avantronica Thanks, I just confirmed this. I had tried both wifi and cell on my iPhone so thought I ruled that out, but I write this on my iMac which worked just fine. Appreciate the heads up and will let them work it out without further annoyance. Thank you!
I’ve had one or two issues about one or two weeks ago. Everything’s fine now though
I can’t access this site at all with mobile data. It just times out and it’s been happening for almost a month now. Any other site I try to access is immediate.
On iphone now. Cell failed. WiFi worked. But that’s not always the case. Something is definitely wrong but surely it’s a known issue. Why it wouldn’t be fixed by now is a bit surprising though.
Occasionally on my iPad I can’t access the site. It’s usually fine when I try again after an hour or so. Prob happened four or five times over the last 12 months.