Have Novation lost focus as a company?

This lost focus thread has lost focus.

Ima gonna hafta show you how to make one proper like!

Edit: here - Has Atari lost focus as a company?

The Xiosynth has a nice keybed though. The interface and envelopes are shyt, but it can produce some nice sounds

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If only x company would strictly do what it has always done best, as well as breaking tons of new ground and satisfying my personal need for hyper-specific novelty constantly

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…i’m tryin’ to remember, if there’s any other “bigger” brand i could say…never had a single piece in use of them…

waaaait…no…defenitly not…never even touched a novation product…
no matter how many good things i’ve heard along the way…
i’m just not enough aphexed, i guess…

so, when it comes to focus…it’s me, who never had one…at least, in that particular direction…
aaaand, they might be just another brexit victim, i’m afraid…
modern societies lost focus for sure…

The sound quality is suspect, that’s for sure.

How does Novation as a company compare to Model:Cycles?

The same thing mate.

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