Having trouble with 1.11 update from beta

I currently have the 1.11 beta and was trying to upgrade to the newer 1.11 that just came out. OS Load bar stops a little before half way and just says receiving. Not sure if I’m missing something or if its just not possible to go from the 1.11 beta to 1.11. Couldn’t seem to find anything about it within the forum.
Thanks for any help.

It’s difficult to help you without you giving details of what software you are using to perform the update, how you are connecting to the DT, and what MIDI and USB settings you have on the DT.

Is the DT in OB mode? Switch it to USB-MIDI.


Im running mac os 10.12 using the elektron transfer app via usb cable. i checked and im pretty sure i have it switched to usb/midi.

Yeah it was in overbridge mode. Switched it to usb/midi and it worked. Thanks!

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