HDSPe Issues after Overbridge Installation


I recently installed overbridge to my studio PC. After the installation my RME Multiface was not shown anymore in the Audio settings on MAC. It seems like a bit that Overbridge killed my RME drivers. I decided to deinstall overbridge again and reinstall the drivers for my Multiface II. After installing everything looked ok but my ADAT and MIDI in Outs does not work anymore on the multifaceted. Strangely I get the SPDIF running over optical outputs, but not the ADAT. It can not be the settings in the DSP of the Multiface. It is all correct. Are there any issues known that overbridge installation can cause conflicts with other audio midi hardware?



I never had any issues with that combo and have not heard of any

Before I did not had it either. I even used both as coupled audio device. But the fact right now is how I described it above.