Headphone impedance for OT and A4

Hi all ,

Im thinking about buying some beyerdynamic DT 990 headphones. I will use them mainly with my OT/A4 and others synths. Im wondering if I should order the 990 pro version which has an impedance of 250 ohm, or take DT 990 edition 32 ohm ?
Im afraid that with 250 ohm the OT output will be too low and I do not want to add an extra headphone amp.
Does some of you have any experience with these headphones ??

DT770 250 ohms with AR and A4

Perfect for my ears!!

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Thats good to know ! Thank you for your quick answer, I will go for the 250 ohm version. I cant wait to listen to my box with some good headphones :slight_smile:

I’ve been using DT770s without any issues for all my gear for a few years now. Terrific clarity for the $$$!
Also, BeyerDynamic makes different impedance versions of the DT770s so make sure you get the correct one.

Tnaks for your answer ! So I bought some DT990s 250 ohm last week-end. And yes there are just perfect with the OT/A4 ! The sound is largely loud enough even when playing mp3 with my old nokia phone. Moreover I appreciate that these headphones sound good even at low volume, so I tend to lower the volume compared to my previous headphone. And thats much safer for my ears.
Anyway they sound great !

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Hi, i was wondering if you have use them with an iPad. Isn’t the 250 ohm version doing ok?. Not to low volume?. Thanks in advance for your replay.

i haven’t used them with an ipad specifically, but my 990s (250 ohm) are fine with my iphone.