Headphone out into Universal Audio Apollo Twin input

Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding Model Cycles.

I would like jam along with my guitar and the model cycles. I have an UA Apollo Twin. My idea was to use the headphone out from the Cycles into one of the inputs of the Apollo and then use the high Z input to plug in the guitar. The surprise for me is that the sound that I hear from the Model cycles is very “wet” it seems as if the whole track had a lot of reverb. What am I doing wrong, why is this not working? Any solutions?

Hope that you can help me out, thanks so much!

yes should work as x2 mono inputs ok and you can apply diff unison pre amps to each too. a small mixer is always a good tool to have to maximise those inputs or expand it with an ADAT pre amp like the ADA8200 (x8 addtional inputs) via the ADAT In port

But the problem is I’m not using the R & L outputs of the Cycles for both of the inputs of the Apollo, I’m only using the headphone out as I need one input to plug in my guitar.

Do you use a stereo splitter cable and connect either L or R to the Apollo Twin? Because the inputs are balanced mono inputs. You cannot feed a stereo signal into them and expect it to work properly.

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Hello, thanks so much for the answer!

That was exactly my question. No I didn’t use a cable to split of the signal because I only wanted to use one of the inputs of the Apollo, as it has only 2 and I need one of them for the guitar.

Therefore, I assume that I can’t get this setup correctly unless I expand input with the ADAT IN port.

Thanks for your answer!

This can work if you find something that can sum the left and right signals. You’ll give up stereo, but will be cheaper than adding ADAT inputs.

Here’s just one option:

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Thanks so much!

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