Hello World! Hello Digitakt!

Hello Elektronauts,

I just purchased a Digitakt and I just joined Elektronauts and wanted to share how happy I am. It arrived just before the weekend lockdown in my country. I immidiately completed the long but necessary Cuckoo’s Mega Tutorial. Loaded some samples to the DN, connected to the DT I already had (but didn’t had time to explore) and started creating some synthwavey patterns.

I purchased a Digitone few months back but I didn’t found chance to fiddle with it much. I am normally producing on the computer as a hobby. Now that I am able to connect DN and DT and able to create some nice patterns rather quickly I am happily surprised. I wasn’t really sure how things will go with the hardware setup before I pull the trigger, but I am glad that I did. It is so much FUN!

I just wanted to say hi to everyone :slight_smile: and share my experience :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum!

Congratulations on your DT/DN combo… it is a really sweet pair of instruments that complement eachother very well and are both very powerful and very deep on their own. Together they are …vast…