HELP! Accidentally deleted digitakt samples

I’ve accidentally deleted a part of the samples that are used in a very important live gig coming up this saturday.

Apart from the obvious “you’re an idiot” reply that would be totally justified I’d like to know if there is any way transfer keeps a temporary bin somewhere, or there are other ways to see which samples I’m missing. I probably still have the samples on my laptop, I just need to know the filenames, but digitakt is only showing — or ??? (on elk herd import project)

Any help is very very appreciated


Digitakt should automatically place the sample back in the projects if you load the same one in to the +drive… I am guessing you have not done a backup that grouped the project and samples together? I suppose it depends how many samples you are dealing with but you could trying importing a different chunk of samples at a time until the project gets filled out… I am not sure if this will work with elk herd or not.

Did you delete the sample off the device or remove it from the sample pool in a project.

Hi both thanks for the input!

I ended up simply loading in samples and choosing sounds that were close enough to the originals. Took me a good 4 hours but I’m more or less good to go again.

I deleted them off the device (deleted a wrong folder in transfer that I thought was empty and suddenly transfer went like “Deleting x amount of samples…” And I thought noooo hahaha