Help! Digitakt program changes with ottobit jr pedal

Hi all,
my question is: how does the digitakt sending program changes? I spent an hour with it and made it work, I can change the presets of the Meris ottobit jr pedal from the digitakt. but not sure how?! :slight_smile: I thought first that there must be a trig on the first step of the sequence with a lock to program change so the digitakt will send out a PC message but it doesn’t work like that. I just simply set the program change parameter on the digitakt to the program no. that i need to use and whenever I change the pattern it will recall the set preset on the meris pedal. Does it mean that the digitakt automatically sends out a program change when you change pattern? I haven’t find any info about this in the user manual so ai thought I ask here! I appreciate the help! cheers

It does if you have activated PRG CH SEND in the SETTINGS > MIDI CONFIG > SYNC menu.

Look at pages 64-65. You will find a lot of useful information in the manual if you search for ‘program’.


Peter! thanks for the help.