Help. Digitone Keys screen looks like its detaching?

No, there’s another frame around the screen itself, which is what you’re seeing in the photos. The frame welded to the faceplate is covered by the black parts of the window.

Yes, I think so. It may be a bit fiddly to open up, but should be a pretty straightforward fix.

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I just looked at my digitone and I think they’re correct, it’s probably only on the screen. The board with the screen is attached to the metal plate from behind so you won’t be able to access it without first removing the top and then removing the board from behind but if you can use a screwdriver (hex driver) you can probably do this. theres youtube content about this with other elektron devices, it’s pretty similar, just the number of screws changes mostly.

my guess is that it’s being pulled up by the adhesive on the back of the screen that I mentioned so you still want to try and do this without ripping the plastic for best results.

You know that little acrylic screen [on the front] prob has a film on both sides. It may have gotten left on the inside, and heat made it droop down to the screen. It obviously looks like something that needs to be peeled off.

honestly I’m not sure why I’m getting involved

for the love.

but seriously that plastic is clinging to his actual oled screen, thats not droop

I’m saying droop down to the screen. Just look at the shape. There’s no way something would come from the screen, go up and into/on the face screen.

…anyways, I feel quite confident it will/can be resolved simply.

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this is what’s important.

Looks like they forgot to remove the protective foil from the oled part after soldering it in before they assembled the unit.

Everything works normally when you turn it on?

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Hey! It powers on OK , but I havent been able to really put it through its paces, have been working all day. I got a reply back from support and filled them in, so hopefully ill be hearing back soon…

Yes. That must have been missed in production, sorry for that. If you feel comfortable with that kind of work, just unscrew the panel and remove the protective film from the display. Try to observe standard ESD precautions and work in a fairly dust free environment so that no new dust is collected on the display. Ask me if you have any further questions and I’ll try to help :totes:

If you do not feel comfortable with performing this operation, user care will help you sort it out.

Ps. The panel is a bit finicky to remove and install, be careful in the area between the keyboard and “box” part of the machine.


Ah yes, I forgot an important detail…since the panel is mounted to the user interface PCBAs you need to unscrew those PCBAs form the panel before removing the film. In order to simplify that process, remove all knob caps before unscrewing the panel.

There are four cables that need to be removed before completely removing the panel assembly from the bottom, just take a photo before removing them and it shouldn’t be a problem to re-insert them.


Not 100% I know what this means… hopefully pretty straight forward. I really dont like opening up electronics and fiddling around. Hopefully they’ll have some photos or videos? We’ll see…

I’m in the middle of doing a little opening of digi boxes as part of some, ah, community service let’s call it. I am positive I have seen other threads on here and also stuff on youtube where people take apart digitones and digitakts, but I did take a couple specific pictures for you so you will have a better idea of what you need to do. I won’t be able to upload them until later but it should give you something to go off of. The specimen in question is my digitakt not my digitone but after having taken both of them apart a couple times I can tell you that in every way you are concerned with, they are the exact same. I’ll find the video for you if I can about the guy aligning the faceplate but he kind of talks a lot and talks about things that are irrelevant to the work he is doing and the extracted info is pretty much as I think I described above where you can use spacers between the outer buttons to help make sure things are properly aligned. anyways I’ll update this later I guess so if you want to do it yourself, you’ll have a bit better idea of what youre doing.

Sorry for not having a photo for you, but I don’t have any production units of Digitone Keys around at the moment so you’ll get this part of the assembly drawing instead. Here you see the sub assembly of panel and PCBAs.


everything that looks like the ones I circled in blue you will be removing with your torx or hex tool.

The previously mentioned hex screws seat into the cylindrical mounts which are welded to the metal face of the device, it is the same for your model there are only more of them to remove. The path of this arrangement is shown with the arrow and the blue line.

In this photo the path of the blue line is the screen which is under and parallel with the green line which is the faceplate, you can see it must be separated in order to accomplish the removal of the sticker. The orange ribbon cables are not clipped in and can be removed by hand but the preferred method (if available) would be esd tweezers with a L shaped end. I took a small video of the method for removal, I’ll see if the forum will allow me to post it. the purple line indicates where you would hook the tweezer or pull up if done by hand, the brown arrow is the direction of removal. It is a snug fit but not a troublesome job.

here is a short video showing the cable removal from the top half using esd tweezers with the faceplate still attached. It does not need to be done from both sides, really only the bottom half if you are careful. I’m showing this side for a different purpose but the procedure is the same.

I had to reduce video quality quite a bit for the forum to accept the upload but it should still be self explanitory, you’ll see it’s not rocket science. If this seems simple enough that’s fine but if you are uncomfortable with this type of process be honest with yourself and decide if now is the time to learn or if you want to take a different course of action, there’s no shame in acknowledging your own ability or limitation. I can tell you however the process is not complicated if you keep all your screws together and are sanitary with the project. I’m confident in your ability to judge for yourself and if I can’t help further someone with more insight can.

Keep in mind this is a digitakt but most elektron devices have similar DNA, my digitone is identical on the inside, I just happened to be doing a project with cleaning the digitakt volume pot today so this is what you get.

To replace the orange cable plugs first observe the orientation of the pins on the cable end, and the holes on the receiving end so you can align them correctly then just push down gently to make sure the pins are into the socket before applying pressure. apply equal pressure then once seated, press each side to insure one is not higher than the other. The rest of it is just reverse of removal. here is the youtube video of the guy who uses card paper to align his digitakt buttons, you can use the same method when you replace the face plate if it helps you.

also just as an aside, I’m sure I don’t need to mention this but don’t touch the screen after you remove the sticker, unless there is something like a residue on it avoid touching it. If there is a residue on the OLED screen of any kind use a clean lint free soft (preferably microfiber cloth and if necessary a very small amount of water, do not use glass cleaner or alcohol on an oled screen if at all possible. If the screen has no residue, try and cover it up before you get any dust or prints on it or the inside of the clear fascia bezel. If you leave bits of funk inside the bezel area it will bug you for the rest of your partnership with your device.

I think that’s all I got for now.

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Thanks for all that info! Power is out atm so hopefully will dig into this in a day or two

Just starting to go through all this, but thank you so much!!

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Let us know if something is unclear, I’ll help out if I can.