I am trying to sequence both the Model:cycles and another drum machine with the drum sequencer track on my Beatstep Pro. I have assigned 6 Beatstep Pro pads to the Model:Cycles pads T-1 to T-6 (notes c0-f0). The rest of the pads have been assigned to the second drum machine.
However when I hit a pad corresponding to a sound on the 2nd drum machine, it will play that note AND the note on pad T1 of the model:cycles at the same time. I’ve tried everything I can think of for days and can’t stop this happening.
Am I going about this the wrong way? Any help greatly appreciated,
I don’t have any of the equipment here but in theory it sounds like you probably need to set the Model: Cycles to receive one MIDI channel and the other drum machine to another. Then each set of pads need to be told to transmit only to the MIDI channel corresponding to the correct device. Not having a Beatstep Pro I’m not sure if it’s possible to send different pads to different channels though.
MIDI stuff can definitely be a very common headache when starting out… And even once you think you have an idea what you’re doing
Thanks! I think I have worked it out. I was correctly assigning the BSP pads to the M:C. But I had the auto channel and T1 on the M:C set to channel 1 meaning whenever I hit a pad on the BSP it would trigger T1 as well as the actual note the pad was assigned to.
I’m guessing here that both the 2nd drum machine and m:c are responding to channel 10. By default, the m:c will receive on channel 10 and use it to trigger whatever track you have selected on the m:c. This behaviour is known as the auto channel.
If I’m right, you need to configure the m:c auto channel to be a different channel to your 2nd drum machine. The beatstep pro, your master device, will need to transmit on two different channels for this to work. Anyway, this should get you started looking for a solution at least.
This was a good thread. I love seeing how versatile the beatstep pro is.
Do you mind me asking why you chose to sequence with the Beatstep instead of the M:C?
I find the sequencers very robust and versatile on the Beatstep Pro… it made me go for a Keystep Pro since the BSP is monophonic… the only drawback is that you cant duplicate a phrase and tack it on as another measure like pressing the measure button on the BSP… on the KSP you have to copy each drum part individually.
Mainly convenience at this stage. I’ve used DAWs in the past but really wanted to improve my performance ability and use more tactile approaches to composition. I wanted to create whole percussion tables on the BSP using several drum synths. I’m new to both pieces of equipment but it seemed easier to map the pads and sequence from the BSP and for composition and experimentation its nice to use.
I guess if I already had several loops locked in for a project I would try using the M:C as a sequencer for all drums and trigger the patterns from the BSP.