Help for first setup


With an history of buying exactly the wrong gear I have a question for a future setup.

I am a beginner when it comes to gear. I’ve been looking to start a DAWless setup. After wanting and Akai MPC for a year now, I switched to the Digitakt (after hours and hous of video’s and reviews on both devices).

So I am planning to buy my first DT soon. I know I want to expand it in the future with some hardware synths. What do I need to realize that.

If I understand correctly I need the Digitakt and a Synth (say I begin with a Behringer Crave). But Sinaloa do need a mixer right? The DT only sends MIDI to the Crave, but does not route back audio right?

So both the DT and the crave need to be connected to a mixer that is connected to either speakers or headphones.

Or am I missing something?

Thanks very much and sorry for this simple question. I just want to do it right this time.


The DT has ext in, so you would be able to route the audio from a synth like the crave back into the DT and through its effects if desired :slight_smile:


I am getting more and more excited by the DT

You’ll get hours of fun with just a DT to be honest. But yes, you could route a synth into DT and the DT to speakers/headphone - so no need for a mixer. Yet.


You need a mixer with a second synth right?

Depends. You could buy a Digitakt, a Digitone and One other synth, and still get it working. A mixer will just make it easier to get everything’s levels how you want in the mix. And mixers help if your adding external FX etc. But honestly, get the DT and go from there. Search for single cycle wave forms on a digitakt to see what I mean.

They’ll be better info out there, this was just the first I found


Here let me tell you the advice everyone should and likely does tell and that nearly everyone ignores:


You can make bass sounds with the DT and you can load samples of arps and things. Start small. Master. Then add


Yeah this is good advice, get the DT first, play with/learn that before adding a synth, get a mixer when you are actually out of inputs, or really need the direct hands on controls a mixer provides you with :slight_smile:

Yes thanks for the info and advice.
I am still ignoring the Digitone. Afraid that I want it as soon as I get the Digitakt without getting the best out of the Digitakt first and then think: it will be so much better with a DN connected. (That’s how my brain works) and that’s why a DAW does not really work for me. The endless possibilities and sample packs and VST’s won’t get me started. So I hope the ‘limitations’ and workflow on the DT will get me more focused

Besides, I only have money for one :slight_smile:

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The DT has two inputs which can handle two separate mono sources or one stereo source. The Crave, for example, would be one mono source.


Does it need one of the 8 audio tracks?


You should download and read the manual. There is a lot of information but it’s quite well done as documentation goes.


I will do that. Thanks.


Yeah, finding way(s) in which RTFM-ing is fun, has helped me in so many areas besides music gear. (Especially computer science)

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I picked up the habit in computer science but it has proved pretty useful in electronic music so far.

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Yeah, I picked it up as a little kid but it wasn’t until I started programming computers that I realized it’s true value. In the domain of programming it has gotten to the point where if something doesn’t have proper documentation I just refuse to use it, unless I have no other alternative. :relieved:

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definitely get a good mixer as you grow your setups will make life far easier. You could pair the DT with a Digitone or another synth and I think that you can even sample and sequence other gear with it via MIDI if I recall correctly.

This should be a thread. I have a lot of opinions on this and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The lack of a proper (or understandable) manual seems to permeate the musical instrument/devices industry. Computer stuff too. I blame Apple. Some of these companies need to hire technical writers. Koma does a good job with it. Ableton used to. Anyway, before I go on, I’ll start a thread or look for one. But I agree, lack of documentation is a turn off.

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My experience so far is that the musical stuff is better than the computer stuff (perhaps I have just chosen well on the music side) and that both are better than the average consumer appliance, whose manual is four pages of blindingly obvious and eight pages of cover-their-ass legalese, repeated in fourteen languages.

My first Elektron was the DT, and it worked fine for me (drums and other instrument sounds). My second box was the DN (GAS took over). Now I have the two connected together and they make a great pair. Just my two cents. :relaxed: