Help! Machinedrum distorted output!

Today I bought a 2n hand MD UW+ MKII, and I’m just starting messing up with it.
I am programming a very very simple bd+snare pattern, and I noticed that when the master output knob is set over 3pm position, the output is clipping. When the master output knob turned to its maximum, the distortion is very very loud (I’m talking about the headphones output, cannot check the individual or balanced outputs tonight…).
Why is this happening?
Is my MD having an hardware problem?
Or is it normal?
The Dynamix is off, set to zero.
The bd and snare are pretty simple and not very tweaked.

Help! :frowning:

a few things could be going on here. iirc, 3pm on the master volume is zero gain, so anything above that might be causing clipping depending on the rest of your settings. also,

… the dynamix at zero (fully to the left) is actually 100% on, not off. of course this is counter to what you’d expect, but the md compressor is set up that way.

try reducing the master volume and the dynamix, both its gain and mix settings. also check the master efx eq gain and reduce it from its default max position. better?

where are the volume and distortion settings for the kick and snare? can you reduce them and see if that helps?


It’s normal. I notice I can start to get output distortion on both my :elmd: MD and :elmm: MM when the master volume knob is past the 3 o’clock position, that does seem to be the “zero gain” position as dubathonic says.

Try routing an instrument (e.g. the bass drum) to a different output (so the output is not controlled by the master volume and does not pass through the master effects) and you’ll see it’s a fair bit quieter than when you have the master set to max.

It does depend on individual instrument volume levels and so on though.

Yes, this confused me for a short while until I checked the manual. :ooh:

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