Help me decide, keep my OT, or get a MD?

Hope someone will give some input:

My setup consists of a iMac, Apogee Duet 2, Access Virus TI2, Analog Four, Analog Rytm (ordered, will be here soon :)), Octatrack and Maschine MK1.

I am in doubt if i will be better off trading my Octatrack for a Machinedrum SPS-1 MKII with + drive.

I find the OT hard to manage, and still have to sample everything/upload samples. I have watched a lot of MD vids, and love the sound.
Should really complement my Rytm i think.

I know the MD has less sequence options, and has an older OS, compared to the OT.

Who has/had both and which one did you choose?

Computer Based : iMac, Apogee Duet 2, Maschine MK1
(Hybrid) : Access Virus TI2
Hardware : Analog Four, Analog Rytm , Octatrack

I am in doubt if i will be better off trading my Octatrack for a Machinedrum SPS-1 MKII with + drive.


It’s not easy to reply because you don’t give details on how you working ?
So i will only imagine et give advises on objective points.

FACT your sound card is 2 Stereo inputs. So, If you buy a MachineDrum UW SPS-1MKII you can’t take advantage of the multiple outputs to record.

As in the fourth quarter of 2014, Elektron will release Overbridge you will take advantage of this on Analog Four and Analog Rytm, Your Virus TI2 is already have similar technology.

You need also to consider the Machinedrum is 12bits output, it affect the sample you can import. As it’s the first generation of Elektron products (sure it’s not really the first generation because it’s +drive MKII) but the fact is import/export use MIDI protocol and it’s damned slow. I think your octatrack can be used as a Machinedrum ++ drive with sample and also as synth with Single cycle waveform (you can find tutorials on you tube)

Also the FX section of the octatrack, the scene potential with digital crossfader is a real interesting vision to creative workflow. + Octatrack import/Export is very FAST !!!

IF you plan to perform a LIVE at some point you surely love to have kept your Octatrack
So didn’t go that way in my point of view :wink:

You probably have enough to do on drums with Analog Rytm… Take your time to receive it and mess around with it, if you think you miss something maybe go on the machinedrum as a perfect complement.

I “downgraded” from the OT to a MD and I don’t regret doing so. It’s a really nice percussion synth wide a wide range of excellent sounds. Some things to keep in mind:

• The sequencer is indeed much more limited; no microtiming, no per-track pattern lengths, no retriggering except on the E12 and UW machines.
• There’s no way to play anything chromatically from an external MIDI device. This might be inconvenient with samples and when you want to use it to sequence external MIDI gear.
• The effects sound a bit “budget”, esp. the reverb. The compressor feels weird to me.

Thanks for the input!

When overbridge is here i will have the option to work as a hybrid with my TI2, A4, Rytm like you said, so external gear sequenced from within a DAW.

For now i will have to sequence otb, and because the OT and MD have midi sequencing i will have to choose between these.

My thoughts were: the MD can synthesize and the OT is a (advanced) sampler, so i thought the MD has a faster / easier workflow, than my OT.

The more fundamental difference is that the MD gives you 16 tracks for drums. How important is that to your workflow?

Your AR has not arrived yet and you want another drum machine already :slight_smile: ? I think AR can handle all the drum duties with the fast workflow you’re looking for, you could even load it up with machinedrum samples :slight_smile: (I still have a bunch for you if I remember correctly)

For FX, vocals, weird stereo samples etc you could use the OT, as well as sequencing external gear. The A4 can handle the synthsounds. I think A4/OT/AR would be a killer combo to perform live with, maybe nothing more is even needed.

Sequencing external devices with the MD is extremely limited, I’d say not really usable. And don’t forget alot of those youtube movies use samples in their md uw.

You could also keep the OT and try to find a second-hand first-generation MD. Those are much cheaper, but have the exact same synth engine.

I own a MD UW + and OT …

the OT doesn’T IMHO really come that close to a Drum Machine like MD … it would be too much do explain this right here, but

how about you get a used MD MK I (non UW -non +drive) and just fall in love with it …

if you wont fall in love with it (and I doubt it) you can sell her on… market is good, but kinda unstable and refroming due to release of AR …


you can sure have a lot of drum sounds on the up to 8 Tracks on OT … but when it comes to messing fuckery and carnage, then the MD really shines, it would be much easier to tweak parameters than (aiming at the same result) with the OT

An Elektron is just the beginning … how right Elektron is!

just my 2ct… come over try my MD out (berlin :wink:

the best advise i saw here is to buy a second and MD sps1 mkii.


you can use the analog4 cv to trigger the machine drum and the machinedrum midi to trigger the rytm.

i really like the octatrack, but the machinedrum is more like the analog4 in structure, so if you get along with that you should get along with it.

if over bridge works okay you could run two machinedrum outs into analog4 and 2 into the rytm.

imo machinedrum feels more polished, but they worked on it for 10 years. :slight_smile: i wouldn’t want it without the sampling option.

I had an MD and OT. I kept the MD and sold the OT to help fund the RYTM. Super powerful, I may go back someday. But if you are not disciplined the OT can suck the fun out of the room. The OT can also be great if used in a limited roll. Trying to use several of its strengths at once is what always got me into trouble.

I have both a Machinedrum UW MKII and an Octratrack. If I could only have one I’d easily pick the Octatrack. The Machinedrum’s biggest advantage for me is it’s immediacy of use. Other than that, I find the Octatrack to be way more useful in my setup. Using the crossfader with scenes is endless fun for me.

If the unique sound character of the Machinedrum’s drum synthesis is what you’re after, I can’t really make an argument against it. I think your best option is to get a cheaper used Machinedrum MKII without the +drive or sampling capabilities. If you don’t like recording and uploading samples with your Octatrack, you definitely won’t like it with a Machinedrum UW.

You should dedicate more time to your Octatrack. I’m sure there are plenty of things you can do with it that you haven’t even thought of.

Went for a MD Mk2 UW+, but going back to an OT. :slight_smile: