So I’ve wanted to know how this sound was made before bought my first synth. I couldn’t replicate it on my Digitone, but having spent a few days with my A4, it feels like it might be possible?
It’s the bass line from Vision One by Royksopp
I can tell there’s a Low Pass filter on a slow LFO modulating it, triangle or sine, but that’s about it.
I can’t tell at the moment if it’s all one patch, or if there is a low bass note layer and a high creaky layer over the top.
Thoughts on how this was done and what a Vision One patch might be on the A4?
There’s a square wave LFO, with near audio rate modulating either the cut-off or the amp output level (or sustain level). That’s what provides the “creak”. The rate of that LFO might also be getting modulated a bit in time, too… it seems slower at the start of each bar, to me.
but it could also be a note-priority-interrupt in the sequencer itself
let’s say you have a mono-patch bass-line in the lower octaves around C2 and place above a very very short note or maybe three to four of this short notes on C8, you can produce a glitch similar to your example when the patch provides instructions how to behave when engaged on higher notes (ex. LFO-frequency multiplied x10 when on higher note active)
but i guess a 303 or a clone with a dirty distortion-pedal like a RAT or similar will do the same dirty sound
Yeah seems like a 303 type line through a tube/valve drive, possibly with selective eq filtering pre-drive.
I don’t think the A4 could nail it alone with no processing, but if I were to try I’d set Osc1 to feedback, set Osc2 for a typical 303 type sound and go from there, SV filter possibly set to bandpass, experiment with Osc1 level to get desired crunch.