Help me to Fucking nosebleed dutch hell death

in the tips and tricks for the MD(Thanks Tarekith!Huge bow!) i found this pretty simple sounding trick that didnt work out yesterday…or its not that nosebleed as i thought;)
here is the quote:

Extreme distortion on the Machinedrum:

Route a sep. out back in and use the gain stage on the ext. input machine. Fucking nosebleed dutch hell death. No problem with the industrial sounds.

-D.E list

does this mean that i should route a machine,(or more)to lets say C and take it with audio cables back to the input?if so why isnt “the magic” happening to me?what do i miss here?
could someone help me Fucking nosebleed dutch hell death,Please!

You need to set an Input (INP) machine for the sound to come into. Remember you need to place a trig at the start of the pattern for the input to become active. (This is the classic Elektron “hm, why aren’t I hearing anything?” solution. :wink: )


Thanks for triing to help Finalform!
i tell what i did…
i routed one machine to C and took the audio back to INPUT A i did set an INP EA and placed trigs allaround,but nothing…no nosebleed the sound is as was before…
what am i doing wrong here?what dont i understand?obvious human error,but what? :slight_smile:

tried it again,and guess what,me nose is bleeding :wink:
Thanks Finalform to make my try again :smiley: yesterday i tried it till my nose was bleedingXD


Are you turning up the VOL (or ALEV or AVOL, depending on the type of INP machine) parameter on the input machine? And making the machine you’re outputting as loud as possible?

If you want to really push it you could use one of the input machines that has a filter on it, and use the filter Q to exaggerate certain frequencies.

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im using INP EA and just had to play around the synthesis page to get the thing going…
indeed :slight_smile: the filter i tried too and it makes it shine even more(or make it darker if you wish;) )
im glad i have this trick,im going to employ it for sure!!and experiment-experiment-experiment…
would i be able to do the same to the MnM?could you Please give me a hint how?
the FM+ machines would really benefit from some nosebleed i think…plus drums and ARP… :wink:
Cheers Form!

Just using the distortion parameter on the amp page of a MnM synth track will mess the sound up pretty good. Especially in combination with the filter, the amp VOL parameter and the SRR parameter on the effects page.

But you can do pretty much the same thing with an external input that you can on the MD. But with all the additional amp, effects and filter controls.

Effects tracks can do a lot on the MnM too. Try the ring mod one, or the phaser on a hot signal and/or with a high feedback parameter setting.


By the way, you can of course put a stereo signal from the MnM into the MD by using two input tracks, panned hard left and right. Can be quite nice to run the whole “mix” through the Dynamix compressor (which also exists in similar form as an FX machine on the MnM).


i tried the DIST on the amp page with filter and even SRR…
i was just wondering if the same could be done on the MnM,because i didnt get the same nosebleed from doing the same DIST SRR FILT trick on the MD either

Thanks for the tip Form! will give it a try…sounds interesting :wink:

I think the main thing with getting the input machines to distort is having a hot (loud) signal in the first place. Which shouldn’t be too tricky. In my experience preventing unwanted distortion is more the issue, especially on the MnM.

im coming from an industrial-power electronics-drone-doom background(and many more)…that made me wonder about this :slight_smile:
i would see some Haus Arafna-Brighter Death Now stuff being born from the MnM this way…

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or i could always sample stuff with the UW from the MNM and use the nosebleed to make it bleed :wink:

Buss a Monomachine track to all three internal stereo busses (ABCDEF) and put different effects machines on different busses… gets fun.

Two digipro ensemble machines (=8 pitches) bussed to all channels with two fx tracks on CD and another two on EF is a lot of sound being created and layered. :cheeky: Especially when you start LFOing everything.

Make yourself some nasty/noisy userwaves for the Digipro machines and you could make an unholy racket in no time.

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this is my next project…i just have to learn about one cycle waveforms more,to know what to do,to expect what…but it sure sounds promising…
like everything with the MD-MnM involved :slight_smile:
have so many things to do…example:exam tomorrow,and im here with the manual in one hand triing to understand more on theMD+MnM MIDI generative stuff,and how this nice people are doing what with it…and the MnM on the other,making from sweet sounds till unholy racket possibilities :wink:
i need more hosts for my virus…one body seems not enough to do the things i would like to do…
oh well…


audio or it didnt happen

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Hi TrabanT!
i have to go to an exam now,and cant record audio on my pc at the moment,but if the audio quality from my crappy digital camera would be enough,i could record it to you…
not sure how much you are going to be able to hear,cause the distortion,and the crappy camera:),but i will give it a try!
if someone in the meantime didnt do it already… :wink:

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Machinedrum…always and ever a wondrous machine :space_invader::heartpulse:

i (proudly) present you the Fucking nosebleed dutch hell death
forgive me the crappy audio but cant record on my pc at the moment…
hopefully it helps someone…power electronics industrial sounds?no problem

made another in case someone would like to hear the “clean” beat

(and passed the exam too today morning;)thats the way…aha-aha…i like it!!)


Nice. Sounds like a malfunctioning electricity substation. I want to hear the bass frequencies on that…