Help needed: Sequencing Syntakt externally impossible during OB?

I sequence Syntakt partially on the ST, and partially I send note sequences from the Hapax to some of its tracks. This works fine, tight enough to not hear latency/lag/jitter or what’s the correct word here.

Then I switch it to Usb Config > Overbridge mode and open Overbridge engine. Still fine. Then I open Ableton, and it all goes wrong. Timing from the internal sequences vs what’s coming from the Hapax are off. Start-stop commands stop working or come late half of the time.

Is this expected behavior or not?


Note that this is not about latency from listening in Ableton - it’s just there, also when direct-monitoring or using headphones.

It might also be an Ableton setting error on my part? I’m clumsy with Ableton still. (I’m clocking Ableton via physical midi cable from Hapax with “external” engaged in Ableton, but that shouldn’t interfere with ST should it? I’ve got all Midi Out ports in Ableton disengaged…)

(I’ve done a bunch of searches but all the Overbridge latency threads seem to be about combining OB with an audio interface and other issues)